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Gentle tipped to leave Hull

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Meet the men lined up to replace Gentle...

Lee Radford, Andy Last, Paul Cooke :blink: and maybe even Sean Long :blink::blink:


Is that someone's idea of a dream team, cos I'm already fearing bloody nightmares... :(

I do hope that this is journalistic hyperbole rather than an actual indication of the aspirations of our club.

If this happens I won't need any excuse to make this my last season as a pass holder, especially as I will be out of a job this time next year.

If Paul Cooke has anything to do with the club ever again I will abandon all hope for FC evermore and defect to Halifax.

A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal. ~ Oscar Wilde

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Who is this Alf of whom you speak?

I think we need to be told.

                                                                  :kolobok_sad:   Hull FC....The Sons of God....  :kolobok_sad:
                                                                     (Well, we are about to be crucified on Good Friday)
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Well there's a phenomenon. Rather than relieving pressure in fellow humans, Old Frightful usually induces a rise in blood pressure. :-D

I'm more intrigued by 'turrets syndrome'. Is it some kind of mediaeval pox, or an irrational belief that you were Rapunzel in a past life?

A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal. ~ Oscar Wilde

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That's it, he's gone: http://mobile.hullfc.com/News/Article/30882.

He was an improvement on Agar and I would have been happy to keep him for the final year of his contract. Instead I am praying to all deities that the next one is a proven coach and a further improvement.

A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal. ~ Oscar Wilde

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For me, Hull should never have got rid of Sharp. thought he was an excellent well respected coach who was unfortunate with an injury crisis during his last season with the club

"is a dream a lie if it don't come true or is it something worse?"

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I liked Peter Gentle.. shame to see him go. Think next season Hull would have been a much better side. He clearly went in with the attitude of fix the defence first, and the then focus in attack, which i think was the right approach. This season was all about tightening that Hull defence, which he certainly did. 

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I liked Peter Gentle.. shame to see him go. Think next season Hull would have been a much better side. He clearly went in with the attitude of fix the defence first, and the then focus in attack, which i think was the right approach. This season was all about tightening that Hull defence, which he certainly did. 


Until they played Huddersfield and the defence disappeared.

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I liked Peter Gentle.. shame to see him go. Think next season Hull would have been a much better side. He clearly went in with the attitude of fix the defence first, and the then focus in attack, which i think was the right approach. This season was all about tightening that Hull defence, which he certainly did. 

Lee Radford sorted the defence! If he is the new coach he will do well.

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For every person happy with this decision there are 20 who are not happy, if twitter and comments on the official FC Facebook page are anything to go by. Pearson really isn't doing himself any favours on the PR front.

A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal. ~ Oscar Wilde

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Lee Radford sorted the defence! If he is the new coach he will do well.

Radford is unproven. There is a huge difference between being head coach at East Hull and being head coach at Hull FC. He should go and ply his trade at Championship level first and gain experience.

He is also part of the institutionalisation that has happened at Hull FC. The culture of the club needs breaking if it is to move forward. Bringing in an ex player who is mates with the boys is not the way to bring about positive change.

A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal. ~ Oscar Wilde

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i think i may be one of the very few who actually saw peter gentle play, he played for nottingham against highfield at hoghton road sthelens.

"Why is Napoleon crying ?" said one sailor to the other, "poor ###### thinks he's being exiled to st helens" came the reply.


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Sorry, I keep forgetting about the extension.

Hull FC are a club with many strange business practices, but their habit of extending the contracts of coaches before they've even decided whether they like the coach or not is particularly mystifying.

I can confirm 30+ less sales for Scotland vs Italy at Workington, after this afternoons test purchase for the Tonga match, £7.50 is extremely reasonable, however a £2.50 'delivery' fee for a walk in purchase is beyond taking the mickey, good luck with that, it's cheaper on the telly.

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Radford is unproven. There is a huge difference between being head coach at East Hull and being head coach at Hull FC. He should go and ply his trade at Championship level first and gain experience.

He is also part of the institutionalisation that has happened at Hull FC. The culture of the club needs breaking if it is to move forward. Bringing in an ex player who is mates with the boys is not the way to bring about positive change.

which championship club did gentle coach before he got the hull job?
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I am informed there is a top level coach residing in the North East who has suddenly become available and he is definitely not Gentle. ;)



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which championship club did gentle coach before he got the hull job?

He had more experience than Radford.

A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal. ~ Oscar Wilde

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Knee jerk reaction and a bad move imo


The lack of consistency has probably been the final nail, but I put that down to the players/captain etc more than the coach.


1st Mistake was taking the captaincy off Lynch and giving it to Ellis (probably an integral part of the Ellis deal).

Ellis was missing at the start of the season and took long enough to get into the swing when he did return, without worrying about the responsibility of captaincy.


The abject failure of Westerman (or Revolving Door as I liked to call him) for 90% of the season (although I believe played out of position to make best use of his talents).


Holdsworth's headaches and injury to O'Meeley at a crucial time also didn't help.

O'Meeley was having his best season for us since he arrived and certainly put the oomph into Hull's attack.


So Gentle can feel hard done by and the new proposed coaching set up doesn't inspire me with any confidence at all  :fie:

Money can't buy you happiness!

It can buy you beer and that's a bit like happiness in a glass!

"I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals."

Sir Winston Churchill

Some folks are wise and some are otherwise!

Tobias Smollett

"I distrust camels, and anyone else who can go a week without a drink."

Joe E Lewis

"Look at the ffing state of that"!

My mate on the Avenue last Friday whilst pointing to a scantily clad young lady and spitting a mouthful of beer out!

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Knee jerk reaction and a bad move imo


The lack of consistency has probably been the final nail, but I put that down to the players/captain etc more than the coach.


1st Mistake was taking the captaincy off Lynch and giving it to Ellis (probably an integral part of the Ellis deal).

Ellis was missing at the start of the season and took long enough to get into the swing when he did return, without worrying about the responsibility of captaincy.


The abject failure of Westerman (or Revolving Door as I liked to call him) for 90% of the season (although I believe played out of position to make best use of his talents).


Holdsworth's headaches and injury to O'Meeley at a crucial time also didn't help.

O'Meeley was having his best season for us since he arrived and certainly put the oomph into Hull's attack.


So Gentle can feel hard done by and the new proposed coaching set up doesn't inspire me with any confidence at all  :fie:


This post echoes my thoughts exactly.....

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i think i may be one of the very few who actually saw peter gentle play, he played for nottingham against highfield at hoghton road sthelens.

I have a strange feeling I was also there.  Don't remember the game much, but I recall a stray dog turning its nose up at the "soup" I'd just refused to drink. Think I may have had a lucky escape there.

It's an easy kick for the lad but, as we say in Rugby League, there's no easy kicks.





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But on a more serious note I do despair with my club at times.  Loads of hype. This is our year. #be13eve. etc etc. And then when things get tricky, or we don't perform as we "should" on paper its like a re-enactment of the night of the long knives.  John Kear - won the challenge cup for us in 2005. Sacked in 2006. Peter Sharp - 9 game winning streak & grand final place in 2007. Sacked in 2008. Peter Gentle - twice into second round of play-offs & wembley final this year. Sacked this year. Dear god the only coach that got given any "time to prove himself" was Agar. And what a happy, success-filled, attack-minded, steel-defenced four years that turned out to be. Oh and I could add, Sigsworth, Cleal & Simmons to that list.

We look like a carbon copy of Warrington in the pre-Moran / Smith years. Constantly look good. Constantly come up short.  I can only hope that this is just another one of those "hiccups" before we genuinely hit the big time again.

It's an easy kick for the lad but, as we say in Rugby League, there's no easy kicks.





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