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Hetherington Suggests CC 6th Round Played Behind Closed Doors

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10 minutes ago, fairfolly said:

Like an earlier poster said, " he sounds like a mining boss of years ago".  Obviously he does not seem to quite the grasp of Mental health problems amongst players etc. Hence my post about him lacking in common sense. at a time when the whole Health Service is inundated with the problem of Mental Health he says players should stop "whining and whinging" and get on with it. I am 77 years old and that is what it was like when I was a kid. Stop moaning and get on with it. Somebody tell him times have moved on since when he played 40 years ago. Money,money,money is his concern not the players.

Well he is the ceo of a company that employs around 200+ people across a range of sectors, I'd wager that his financial concerns were more than personal.

I agree its a bit clumsy lingo but its also a fact, this "holiday" we're all going through as a society is going to have a cost associated with it of increased workloads for all of us. I doubt we'll see 3 games a week, but Hetherington's other points about potentially having to play into December and having a shorter off season as happened in 1996 have validity. 

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        The health and well being of the Staff and players is far more important. You,with your post have just confirmed my thoughts on the fellow. You must be a strange,strange guy to put money before health. There is a lot of multi millionaires in the ground with ordinary people. Just because you are wealthy does not grant you immunity from illness or death.

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1 minute ago, fairfolly said:


        The health and well being of the Staff and players is far more important. You,with your post have just confirmed my thoughts on the fellow. You must be a strange,strange guy to put money before health. There is a lot of multi millionaires in the ground with ordinary people. Just because you are wealthy does not grant you immunity from illness or death.

Generally people with Jobs are more healthy and more happy and less mentally stressed. 

The health and well being of staff is going to depend on the main income of the organisation, ie the RL Team continuing to function.

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3 minutes ago, Tommygilf said:

Well he is the ceo of a company that employs around 200+ people across a range of sectors, I'd wager that his financial concerns were more than personal.

I agree its a bit clumsy lingo but its also a fact, this "holiday" we're all going through as a society is going to have a cost associated with it of increased workloads for all of us. I doubt we'll see 3 games a week, but Hetherington's other points about potentially having to play into December and having a shorter off season as happened in 1996 have validity. 

Yes , an numpty would understand that , so well done Gary for stating the blindingingly obvious , just a couple of months earlier than you needed to 

And my last post on this 

THE best venue for this 6th round festival , the LSV ?

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1 minute ago, fairfolly said:

By the way the above post was aimed at Terry.

Was it,thanks for pointing that out.

So you'd rather clubs went down the tubes,than a ceo suggesting how the game should continue after this crisis.

A sainthood awaits you. 

Thank you for your valuable contribution.

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Just now, GUBRATS said:

Yes , an numpty would understand that , so well done Gary for stating the blindingingly obvious , just a couple of months earlier than you needed to 

And my last post on this 

THE best venue for this 6th round festival , the LSV ?

Well at least there won't be any moaning about public transport to the venue lol.

Thinking about it, perhaps the reason Hetherington suggested the 6th Round Festival type idea is because Headingley is the likely venue. Centrally located, 3 pairs of changing rooms, RL owned.

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Just now, Tommygilf said:

Well at least there won't be any moaning about public transport to the venue lol.

Thinking about it, perhaps the reason Hetherington suggested the 6th Round Festival type idea is because Headingley is the likely venue. Centrally located, 3 pairs of changing rooms, RL owned.

LSV , hotel on site , training and warming up facilities on site , how many changing rooms do you want , easily better than Headingley 

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3 minutes ago, GUBRATS said:

LSV , hotel on site , training and warming up facilities on site , how many changing rooms do you want , easily better than Headingley 

Leeds has a hotel in the ground too, 2 high class training facilities nearby (Rhinos and Leeds Uni) and a further hotel in Headingley - where cricket teams tend to stay when playing.

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2 minutes ago, scotchy1 said:

What would leeds get out of that other than a big bill for opening the stadium? 

No fans, no ticket sales, no corporate. no booze sold. I cant imagine stadia are falling over themselves to host it. 

I see it as being a realistic way of restarting the game and perhaps Hetherington taking a whole game rather than Leeds first approach. Realistically what other venues that are RL owned could do it?

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22 hours ago, Man of Kent said:

Don’t want to seem callous but the peak is due within a fortnight. It’s right to start thinking about how life resumes once the burden on the NHS starts to ease. 

As I type a crane outside Wigan Hospital is lifting in an emergency ward onto the car park for coronavirus patients.

My son in law after self isolation returns to the NHS front line and has been booked into a local hotel by NHS  , separated from family, for 12 weeks. Along with 1 million NHS workers he has not been tested and not much chance of that either at 25k  tests per week. Not sure if they even have protective kit yet.

This burden will be with the NHS for months. Forget talk about ' peaks '.

Chaired a  school Governors Finance meeting on Zoom this morning. We expect to be closed until Autumn term at least.

The RFL have various contingency plans but no point in sharing them on a  ' what if ' basis.

Some form of normality will eventually return. Gary  Hetherington is  as entitled as anyone else to air his views. Taking  advantage when other sports are closed would not be mine , but those who  previously craved for a May return for the CC Final   with full houses up until then may now have force of argument behind them. This current  summer season seems finished.

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        What a load of codswallop. My nieces husband ran a very succesful Building Company. No money problems, a lovely family,three lovely grandchildren and a beautiful house he built himself. One day his daughter found him dead,self inflicted.

I have another very good friend who doted on his grandson who had just landed his dream job at the National Stud. He was just 17 when he rang his grandad to say how much he was enjoying his job. The day after he received a visit from the Police with notice his grandson had just been found dead,sef inflicted. Unless you have suffered or your relatives or friends have suffered with these horrible events do not use throw away quotes to get your point across. Selfish idiot. On ignore why would I want to waste my time discussing things with you.

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15 minutes ago, fairfolly said:


        What a load of codswallop. My nieces husband ran a very succesful Building Company. No money problems, a lovely family,three lovely grandchildren and a beautiful house he built himself. One day his daughter found him dead,self inflicted.

I have another very good friend who doted on his grandson who had just landed his dream job at the National Stud. He was just 17 when he rang his grandad to say how much he was enjoying his job. The day after he received a visit from the Police with notice his grandson had just been found dead,sef inflicted. Unless you have suffered or your relatives or friends have suffered with these horrible events do not use throw away quotes to get your point across. Selfish idiot. On ignore why would I want to waste my time discussing things with you.

I don't really think that's appropriate posting for this public forum.

I don't have to share my experience and relationship with such trauma with you or anyone else to justify comments or bring it up to assert how valid my point is. 

I think its rather shameful that you would call someone a "selfish idiot", having the relationship with such an issue as you do, without knowing a single thing about that person beyond how they believe an organisation should be maintained so that people have jobs at the end of it through these troubling times. 

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9 minutes ago, Hela Wigmen said:

Wimbledon and the Baseball at the London Stadium has been cancelled, do people seriously think we’re getting rugby league any time soon?

Slightly different as they are crowd focussed rather than pay tv spectacles. 

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Brian Carney disagress with Gary Hetherington's 3 games a week scenario


BTW - This podcasts hilarious and informative.



"I picked these lads thinking they were ready and clearly some of them are not. I'm not blaming the players"

Paul Farbrace - Sussex CCC and ex-england coach engaging in Wordspeak....

You either own NFTs or women’s phone numbers but not both

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4 hours ago, Tommygilf said:

Slightly different as they are crowd focussed rather than pay tv spectacles. 


"Wimbledon fortnight produced record income of £203million last summer, a year-on-year rise of more than £23m.

Judging from official financial records lodged at Companies House, the biggest single revenue stream for the event was cash from the BBC, with the corporation now likely to be paying in the region of £60m a year for exclusive rights in the UK across TV, radio and the internet."


That was for 2017.


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Seriously people – what has he said that is so controversial!!

Make absolutely no mistake – the government is planning for the fact this virus is going to spread throughout the entire population over the coming weeks/months. They did not make a spectacular u-turn when ‘herd immunity’ was slipped into a briefing but rather they have been more selective with the information they publish.

In the region of 2+ million are infected in the UK which is now sufficient, with a c4% daily increase (rather than a 26% daily increase this virus can deliver on an unrestricted society), for the virus to spread to approximately 60-80% of the UK within the next 11 weeks (end of the ‘peak period’ stated by government – c21/06/20).

The government, using the science, will change the social distancing measures to facilitate the controlled spread of the virus which will not be a linear 4% daily increase over that time period but will end up resulting in that yield over the same time period.

Roughly a 1/4 of people are still ‘going’ to work and people are still out shopping inside supermarkets – it is still spreading quickly, just not as quickly.

My industry, horse racing, announced yesterday that they intend for flat racing to resume in four weeks, May 1st behind closed doors. Jumps racing to return two months later, 1st July. Jump racing requires more by way of a medical presence onsite and therefore stripping it from the NHS.

Hetherington has suggested that a starting point to get the sport back could be behind closed doors and using the cup games first while the turnstiles remain locked. The cup is covered by the BBC and transmitted to the masses, it also means those invested with season tickets will not be losing out.

Only sheep and the flat earth brigade are failing to see the wood for the trees….

People in charge (of all industries) have to plan for the future using all of the information available to them. Hetherington is saying that when the time is right, let us be ready to go….. he voiced a sensible first step return.

This is not a player welfare issue – players are more likely to get the virus today by going to Tesco without wearing an FFP2/3 respirator and breathing in the aerosolised virus than they will in 7 or 8 weeks when the wave has already been though and a staged return to work becomes inevitable for us all.

People need to get their head around the fact the majority of us will get this virus in the next couple of months or so.

Controversially an argument also exists that televised sports played behind closed doors will assist the government in controlling the masses too. We have been locked down only for a few days and yet we already have early pockets of civil unrest.

People also need to realise that a very real balance must exist between the mental health of people locked up at home for months on end and the economic reality of staying at home whilst business crumbles around them.

Like it or lump it, I personally expect the government to sanction the resumption of certain behind closed doors events sooner than many on here expect, want or indeed believe to be correct.

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1 hour ago, MyMrsWouldPreferSinfield said:

This is not a player welfare issue – players are more likely to get the virus today by going to Tesco without wearing an FFP2/3 respirator and breathing in the aerosolised virus than they will in 7 or 8 weeks when the wave has already been though and a staged return to work becomes inevitable for us all.

His comments on player welfare issues were not about them catching Coronavirus, they were that anyone who thinks playing three games weekly being a welfare issue is 'whining and whinging'. Which is, frankly, nonsense. I couldn't care less who said or which club he represents, it's nonsense regardless.

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23 minutes ago, Moove said:

His comments on player welfare issues were not about them catching Coronavirus, they were that anyone who thinks playing three games weekly being a welfare issue is 'whining and whinging'. Which is, frankly, nonsense. I couldn't care less who said or which club he represents, it's nonsense regardless.

In the context of returning to playing quickly they were - ie before most workers are allowed to go back to work.

We must not forget that people are currently permitted to go to work unless they cannot work from home - it is not much of a stretch that in a few weeks once the wave has been through the sport starts quickly behind closed doors....

I am not sure he actually means three games every week but rather he is preempting the PC brigade that come out each year regarding the Easter schedule. The gist of what he is saying is the sport must do what it can to return quickly and complete the season - if that means overrunning the calendar and/or playing some midweek games to catch up, so be it.

It is a squad sport and all the teams would be in the same position in the end anyway.

At the end of the day it is simply not an enviable position to be in whichever way you cut it up. It is not about lining his pockets.

If the players are given the option to sacrifice some off season and a condensed fixture list to include midweek games on the basis the sport/their employer survives I am confident they would take it as the lessor of two evils.

You have to remember, we are coming out at the other side of this in a horrendous recession. Many many businesses will have gone bust or will have to hugely tighten their belts.

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On 02/04/2020 at 13:55, GUBRATS said:

LSV , hotel on site , training and warming up facilities on site , how many changing rooms do you want , easily better than Headingley 

Bonus its not in Blackpool & the beer in the George & Dragon is good too? ?

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