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All Super League Matches Live - Confirmed


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54 minutes ago, Aldinga Tiger said:

Agree entirely with this comment. If you watch rugby league on Foxtel in Australia, you are inundated with sponsorship which is not in your face but just brings in money. This is not only on the live games but programmes midweek with Matty Johns, NRL 360 and Vossy with The Fan. Just about everything you can imagine is sponsored, timer clock on the screen with Hisense, Friednight Footy, microphone used to do interviews, Harvey Norman replay, Victoria Bitter for moment of the week, HCF sponsor something else  and Maccas are involved somewhere, it goes on. The key thing is it is not like commercial tv, just in the back ground. Why Sky cannot do something like this on a weekly basis, even a dedicated rugby league channel would help. Programs are done on repeat so you will never miss anything. All income will help produce a better spectacle.

Can someone tell me, is it SKY that is responsible for attracting sponsors for various opportunities related to the televised games/RL based programs as suggested in the above quote or is the responsibility of the RFL to attract sponsors?

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47 minutes ago, RugbyLeagueGeek said:

Just watched the Grand Final highlights on Channel 4. Am I reading too much into it, or did Helen Skelton's sign off make it sound like that was their coverage done for good?

Their stuff in social media suggests they don't know what's happening and it could be the end. Hopefully not and they'll reach agreement but the presenters etc. don't know what's happening. 

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21 hours ago, Rovers13 said:

Not guaranteed but get your point, if someone is paying say £65 for sky a month unless it’s their team would they stump up another tenner etc? I’m not saying it won’t happen I’m just saying the numbers probably won’t be that big to make huge sums of money. I think the intake will be minimal tbh but it is more than we get now so no arguments from me. Unless of course the money goes to sky and not the game. 

Football fans do it if there team is not on SkY and they can't get to the match 

Specific games not on Sky should be PPV for people to buy 

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Just now, Bedfordshire Bronco said:

Football fans do it if there team is not on SkY and they can't get to the match 

Specific games not on Sky should be PPV for people to buy 

How does PPV work in football? Which divisions? 

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2 minutes ago, Rugbyleaguesupporter said:

We have test series vs Samoa next year.

Is it locked in? If not, I wouldn't be surprised if it hinges on the success of this series. Plus, Samoa's results in the Pacific Comp probably aren't going to get the fans flooding in unless the RFL actually push the boat out in terms of marketing and making the games an event.

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1 minute ago, gingerjon said:


It will be interesting to see what happens here. Because at the moment I'm taking the announcement that every game will be shown on Sky platforms at face value, but then I also believed Davey when he said 2 years ago that every game will be to broadcast quality. 

Do Sky have a PPV platform for this kind of content? 

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@Dave Tthe big unknown is what Sky will do with EFL rights. 

Currently sky show 1 camera  only of matches not kicking off at Sat 3pm in championship. Nothing from league 1/2. 

Clubs sell PPV- £10 a match. Minimum 4 cameras for championship. 

So championship fan can watch 1 camera on sky red button, or pay a tenner to watch with 4 cameras and replays. 

The above only occurs if home club agrees (apart from 8 championship midweeks and some select dates for league 1/2 where streaming is mandatory) 

Next year Sky show all matches bar Sat 3pm- so go from 100 odd games to over 1000. 

Super league goes from 66 to 170ish. 

For both SL and EFL we don't know how Sky intend to exploit their rights to these extra matches. We expect a new App/ online option- but we don't know if it'll be free to sky subscribers, now tv subscribers or PPV. 

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1 hour ago, RugbyLeagueGeek said:

Is it locked in? If not, I wouldn't be surprised if it hinges on the success of this series. Plus, Samoa's results in the Pacific Comp probably aren't going to get the fans flooding in unless the RFL actually push the boat out in terms of marketing and making the games an event.

I think our WC rivalry built up with Samoa will attract enough of us

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2 minutes ago, Bedfordshire Bronco said:

I think our WC rivalry built up with Samoa will attract enough of us

I think it depends what the RFL do with it. If they put the same effort in as they have against Tonga, I would expect crowds to be similar. The question is whether that will generate enough income for the RFL, and enough of a guarantee to persuade Samoa to come over.

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1 hour ago, Dave T said:

Their stuff in social media suggests they don't know what's happening and it could be the end. Hopefully not and they'll reach agreement but the presenters etc. don't know what's happening. 

It was originally, from memory, a 2 year deal to tie in with the existing Sky deal.

I would be very disappointed if it does not continue as the numbers seem good and the feedback from fans & viewers positive but that will depend on C4’s finances & priorities.

Maybe a new year announcement ahead of the new season?

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2 minutes ago, LeeF said:

It was originally, from memory, a 2 year deal to tie in with the existing Sky deal.

I would be very disappointed if it does not continue as the numbers seem good and the feedback from fans & viewers positive but that will depend on C4’s finances & priorities.

Maybe a new year announcement ahead of the new season?

How much was the deal worth?

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2 hours ago, Bedfordshire Bronco said:

Football fans do it if there team is not on SkY and they can't get to the match 

Specific games not on Sky should be PPV for people to buy 

Football is worth it though you’re looking at millions of pounds made, RL be lucky to make a million all year. 

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1 hour ago, Dave T said:

It’s a great idea if all the ppv money goes into the game, but nothing in the article suggests that, which could mean sky get all the ppv money, but it still opens up avenues for more sponsorship deals but again all about SL and sod the rest. 

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1 hour ago, Rugbyleaguesupporter said:

Last two years £0. 

I've really liked C4 coverage but after first two matches the numbers have tailed off. 

Better to be on BBC alongside Challenge cup and internationals for eyeballs and impact 

But BBC were not interested 

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3 hours ago, Dave T said:

Ok, here’s what’s happening.

Sky will be showing 2 games a week on the TV. These will be either Friday night, Saturday afternoon or Sunday evening.

The other 4 games will be shown either on Sky’s existing online platforms or on OurLeague depending on Sky’s other broadcast commitments. These games will be PPV. You will be able to pay on a game by game basis or buy a “season ticket” to watch all of a particular club’s games. Clubs will get a cut of PPV income only if they can demonstrate a shortfall in match day income due to the streaming.

Both C4 and C5 are interested in showing games on terrestrial. The terrestrial package is being offered at between 12 and 15 live games. Half of any money received will go to Sky.

Sky are negotiating with L’Equipe Live to try and get them to provide the feed for Catalans home games.

Don’t ask me for a source cos I’m not giving you one !

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I’m not prejudiced, I hate everybody equally

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23 minutes ago, Derwent said:

Ok, here’s what’s happening.

Sky will be showing 2 games a week on the TV. These will be either Friday night, Saturday afternoon or Sunday evening.

The other 4 games will be shown either on Sky’s existing online platforms or on OurLeague depending on Sky’s other broadcast commitments. These games will be PPV. You will be able to pay on a game by game basis or buy a “season ticket” to watch all of a particular club’s games. Clubs will get a cut of PPV income only if they can demonstrate a shortfall in match day income due to the streaming.

Both C4 and C5 are interested in showing games on terrestrial. The terrestrial package is being offered at between 12 and 15 live games. Half of any money received will go to Sky.

Sky are negotiating with L’Equipe Live to try and get them to provide the feed for Catalans home games.

Don’t ask me for a source cos I’m not giving you one !

So all games wouldn't be on Sky platforms? 

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