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Red Wilow, I assume you are using a 'regular' camera, ie, one that has the flash unit built in. If so, see if you can knock the auto flash off when you take the photo. That might give you a darkish pic that you can lighten on photoshop, but with no reflections. You could also try to use the flash with a piece of fine white cotton or material over the flash. This might give you enough light to get a good photo, but 'diffuse' enough of the brightness to prevent reflections. If you have zoom/telephoto lens, try taking the photo from as far away as you can, this might also reduce the amount of reflection.

I'm sure when Ginger John, Shrek or Padge see this, they will have a few suggestions as well.

Jam Eater  1.(noun. jam eeter) A Resident of Whitehaven or Workington. Offensive.  It is now a term of abuse that both towns of West Cumbria use for each other especially at Workington/Whitehaven rugby league derby matches.

St Albans Centurions Website 

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OK peeps, I want to take a photo of a memorial made in brass located in a church but seem to get reflections or poor detail, is it better to take thephoto and the photoshop it or is there an easy way to take a good pic?

Red Wilow, I assume you are using a 'regular' camera, ie, one that has the flash unit built in. If so, see if you can knock the auto flash off when you take the photo. That might give you a darkish pic that you can lighten on photoshop, but with no reflections. You could also try to use the flash with a piece of fine white cotton or material over the flash. This might give you enough light to get a good photo, but 'diffuse' enough of the brightness to prevent reflections. If you have zoom/telephoto lens, try taking the photo from as far away as you can, this might also reduce the amount of reflection.

I'm sure when Ginger John, Shrek or Padge see this, they will have a few suggestions as well.

This is what I would do but Shrek/Padge are better with light n stuff:

Go back when the light is right not to have reflections.

Put camera in aperture priority. Set aperture to f/16, ISO to 100 and put camera on a tripod or something steady. Meter/focus.

Then use your camera's timer to get 10 second delay between pressing shutter and picture being taken.

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. (Terry Pratchett)

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Watch this space you gnarled jessie.

Right, KT, look at this: in colour

Fujica ST705, Fujinon 55mm & Fujicolor C200


Edgware Road, London

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. (Terry Pratchett)

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This is what I would do but Shrek/Padge are better with light n stuff:

Go back when the light is right not to have reflections.

Put camera in aperture priority. Set aperture to f/16, ISO to 100 and put camera on a tripod or something steady. Meter/focus.

Then use your camera's timer to get 10 second delay between pressing shutter and picture being taken.

Hardly! Not one of my strong points at all!

All Jons advice sounds good to me as does Exiled Townie's with the defussed flash and trying different times of day.

No were near as technical, but if your limited to as and when you can take your picture I'd try altering the angle from which you take your shot, then crop is later to straighten it up, at least then you can minimize the reflections/choose whats reflected, opt for something dark that at least won't be you then play with it in your editing software later!

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I have tried with and without flash, I am using a canon 450.

The problem is the memorial is highly polished and you can stand to the side and still see yourself reflected, it is like trying to take a picture of a mirror.

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I have tried with and without flash, I am using a canon 450.

The problem is the memorial is highly polished and you can stand to the side and still see yourself reflected, it is like trying to take a picture of a mirror.

Have you tried polarizing filters?

I guess pro's would go down the soft lighting, reflector type set up, but not something I've any experience of, way out of my budget/patience thresholds!!!

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I'd also join Talk Photography and ask in the Talk Basics section over there.

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. (Terry Pratchett)

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Thanks for the advice.

I am trying to get to grips with CS5 at the moment I don't know if anything in there can help.

My great uncle was a chindit and I am trying to find out about him. The picture post carried his photo but I can't find the image in Getty

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Couple of recent ones, after fiddling with the Topaz plug in - I quite like the 'grittyness' of the photos.




Jam Eater  1.(noun. jam eeter) A Resident of Whitehaven or Workington. Offensive.  It is now a term of abuse that both towns of West Cumbria use for each other especially at Workington/Whitehaven rugby league derby matches.

St Albans Centurions Website 

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I have tried with and without flash, I am using a canon 450.

The problem is the memorial is highly polished and you can stand to the side and still see yourself reflected, it is like trying to take a picture of a mirror.

If there is a window close by that is the main source of light then get someone to hold up a black sheet (anything will do really but be careful of a colour cast) between the light source and the memorial and then try taking the picture without flash, probably need a tripod or if none available some makeshift table. Use mirror lock and the self timer unless you have remote release.

Shoot it in raw and check the histogram if you can get all the highlights within the histogram ( or even just off) then you can process the raw file and photomangle it to balance things out. As long as you get the details in there then shoppery will let you get there.

Take a range of over exposed and under exposed shots and HDR/blend the two, or more, shots to provide the final picture.

Visit my photography site www.padge.smugmug.com

Radio 5 Live: Saturday 14 April 2007

Dave Whelan "In Wigan rugby will always be king"


This country's wealth was created by men in overalls, it was destroyed by men in suits.

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I used a Nikon D200s with a 300mm 2.8 yesterday at the footy. And I don't want to start a whole Nikon v Canon thing but I'd rather use my old Canon 20D and a 200 2.8 with a 1.4 converter at f4 than that Nikon stuff. That's probably a $3000 set-up compared to a $15,000 set-up with the cheaper one coming out on top. Admittedly the 200s is far more responsive than most Nikons and they are very good in low light. But it doesn't matter how good their cameras are and how good their lenses are they can't escape the fact that their images are still really muddy with this weird texture that I don't like. And the exposure is never right. It's always either a stop under or a stop over.

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Nikon F65, Kodak TriX


like it..a real twisted firestarter

Whilst I do not suffer fools gladly, I will always gladly make fools suffer

A man is getting along on the road of wisdom when he realises that his opinion is just an opinion

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I took this photo of Mike Hussey hitting a shot away for four at Lords last week . . .


and also this one of Amir bowling


. . . using one of these


For the type of camera used, not bad I have to say :)

Edited by JWAD
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  • 2 weeks later...

Money to be made at that photography game.

The local supermarket here in Holland had some promotion for a photo session with a pro snapper.

Ten minutes clicking away then a week later charging over 250 euro for a set of 12 different sized prints.

You didnt have to buy them all but even a 6x4 was 25 euro.

Got myself a 100 euros worth mind you :D

Dutch shoot


When I went back home this week my mother had won a photo shoot in a raffle with one picture free....again ten minutes of click click click and a load of photo's ranging from 25 pounds to over 120 pound (canvas).

Because we had just spent money a month earlier on the dutch ones we could not afford to take any apart from the freebie..the photographer didnt seem to pleased about that mind you but hey it was a prize and despite pressure to buy more we declined......but big bucks can be made by the sounds of it.

English shoot


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