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2 hours ago, Harry Stottle said:

When I went to Salford last season we sat outside on the benches where the food trucks are sited and a small stage with a girl singing, these food trucks all look independently owned not council run, I should imagine the council charges site fees for the privilege so how will the club make money from these?

I also sat at a table with 2 Salford fans who were bemoaning being charged £10 to park their car outside the stadium, they said that they love to visit my club with ample FREE parking on site at the ground.

My clubs ground also being independently owned the club does not make a penny from food and drink sales from the kiosks inside the ground, albeit I am not sure where the profits go for the pre and post match hospitality.

Just for my curiosity can you tell me what the 'rent' is that SRD are asked to pay the council and are they in arrears if so by how much.

Lack of secondary income is sadly a big problem for some clubs.

Dragons VIP can take anything from 150 to 200K on match days + all the bar extras shop etc.

We are already a 2 tier system and its going to get worse.

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2 hours ago, Harry Stottle said:

Just for my curiosity can you tell me what the 'rent' is that SRD are asked to pay the council and are they in arrears if so by how much.

The agreement says they must pay £450k per annum.

They have only ever paid £150k per annum.

Because the fail to pay £300k per annum, Salford Council has to pay it, as they underwrite the tenancy agreement.

Three cheers for the tax payers of Salford!


Fans forum re: stadium situation - Thu 8th July | (deviltalk.co.uk)


Edited by dboy
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1 hour ago, Morris Wanchuk said:

I don’t see why some people feel Salford should be above criticism just because they have an attractive (but unsustainable) on field product. If certain unnamed clubs had pulled some of their stunts then there would have been 200 plus pages of vitriol aimed at them by the usual suspects. 

No one is suggesting Salford should be above criticism, though. It's the motivation of some critics that is being questioned.

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1 hour ago, dboy said:

The agreement says they must pay £450k per annum.

They have only ever paid £150k per annum.

Because the fail to pay £300k per annum, Salford Council has to pay it, as they underwrite the tenancy agreement.

Three cheers for the tax payers of Salford!


Fans forum re: stadium situation - Thu 8th July | (deviltalk.co.uk)


There is the problem in France its normal council pays for the stadium and upkeep club fits out everything and gets to keep the revenue.

In the UK its labeled by some as socialism in Europe its normal and above politics as its a public service.

This is another reason why the French union clubs have more money.

Reality is the 2 strongest club leagues globally are the NRL and France Union.

The current system will only ever produce winners from Wigan Warrington Dragons Hull KR St Helens and Leeds no-one else will ever have a chance. 



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4 minutes ago, ATLANTISMAN said:

There is the problem in France its normal council pays for the stadium and upkeep club fits out everything and gets to keep the revenue.

In the UK its labeled by some as socialism in Europe its normal and above politics as its a public service.

This is another reason why the French union clubs have more money.

Reality is the 2 strongest club leagues globally are the NRL and France Union.

The current system will only ever produce winners from Wigan Warrington Dragons Hull KR St Helens and Leeds no-one else will ever have a chance. 



Hull KR? Who were relegated a few seasons ago, and not Hull FC, who have won the cup twice in the past decade?

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1 minute ago, Harry Stottle said:

Winning the cup years ago is of no consequence in IMG's world, it only counts in the present season on the spreadsheet, just saying.

Quite, but clearly Hull FC are a competitive club at the top of the game; hence why they are A Grade.

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2 hours ago, ATLANTISMAN said:

Agree fantastic club but the current stadium arrangements is hindering their growth 

Make your mind up.

Is the stadium model for success own your own and take all the income, e.g. a Warrington, or is it to have a facility owned by someone else, i.e. stadium management group/council e.g. a Hull FC? Or a Salford.

We will never see the French system you describe in this country.

I'm not sure French localities are providing facilities to sports clubs without having a return on that expenditure.

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5 hours ago, dboy said:

The agreement says they must pay £450k per annum.

They have only ever paid £150k per annum.

Because the fail to pay £300k per annum, Salford Council has to pay it, as they underwrite the tenancy agreement.

Three cheers for the tax payers of Salford!


Fans forum re: stadium situation - Thu 8th July | (deviltalk.co.uk)



Salford council are under pressure from opposition for letting the Rugby club get so far in arrears with no means to fund the outstanding debt which is growing by the month.

Not long ago they defaulted on another huge loan to the council and tax payer.

Rinse and repeat.



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4 hours ago, JohnM said:

No one is suggesting Salford should be above criticism, though. It's the motivation of some critics that is being questioned.

Yes, all those bad people thinking a competitor should stop spending their rent money on artificially pushing themselves up the league table.

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22 minutes ago, Pigeon Lofter said:

Is Sebastian Gerrard still involved at any level with SRD? Last year he was a potential saviour in his attempts to buy the stadium. Has he vanished as a would-be benefactor?

That seemed to be one of those stories where some got excited before anything was signed and sealed.

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48 minutes ago, binosh said:


Salford council are under pressure from opposition for letting the Rugby club get so far in arrears with no means to fund the outstanding debt which is growing by the month.

Not long ago they defaulted on another huge loan to the council and tax payer.

Rinse and repeat.



Nah, that was a clever tactical move which would help the club in future... wasn't it?... really?...

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