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Uninteresting Trivial Facts

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As long as you get the right quality of chicken to sacrifice and get the rites right then they work fine. Get a budget battery chicken and you risk offending the spirits of power supply.

Or don't leave the UPS bypass link closed when you drop the mains...

3 hours of darkness....

With the best, thats a good bit of PR, though I would say the Bedford team, theres, like, you know, 13 blokes who can get together at the weekend to have a game together, which doesnt point to expansion of the game. Point, yeah go on!

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Have escaleted my UPS problems and had no response, so this morning I cleaned out the grills and filters of the 4 ACU's which of course have always been done weekly.....................FFS, the state !!! :angry2:

Oh, and the powered down ACU which "was not required, so we only run three" shows a sodding great alarm as soon as I powered it up. :angry::angry:

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Is Gingerjon moving in with you then?

Hmm - over my head that one

Now then, it's a race between Sandie....and Fairburn....and the little man is in........yeees he's in.

I, just like those Castleford supporters felt that the ball should have gone to David Plange but he put the bit betwen his teeth...and it was a try

Kevin Ward - best player I have ever seen


The real Mick Gledhill is what you see on here, a Bradford fan ........, but deep down knows that Bradford are just not good enough to challenge the likes of Leeds & St Helens.
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listening to a croat tell you how they escaped sarajevo in the back of a chocolate truck in the early 90's is quite disturbing.

Listening to some serbians tell you what happened when they managed to get back to their village after the croats had just left was also disturbing. I spent several months on a campsite in holland in the early 90s - there were quite a few serbs there, mostly deserters - nasty stories from all sides.

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I have until 6pm to re-write the Unit Trust procedures.

As i'm leaving in 2 days, does anyone have anything they wish to be included?

I think any Unit Trust procedure would benefit from the inclusion of:

"And then I woke up and it had all been a dream !"

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I have until 6pm to re-write the Unit Trust procedures.

As i'm leaving in 2 days, does anyone have anything they wish to be included?

Here's one that I've seen done before that caused all sort of hilarity with the Chief Executive really appreciating the jokeL

Complaints Process

All complaints should be direct to the Chief Executive in the first instance. Contact details: (try to find his/her home number)

"When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt; run in little circles, wave your arms and shout"

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I'm torn with the toughest of dilemas. (But not enough to warrant it's own thread...)

X Factor starts again this Saturday, which is to be avoided, however my beloved Nicole was a guest judge while Cheryl Cole was busy dying of malaria. And she's soooooo hot.


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There is a magnificent electrical storm passing to the east of us and heading south. It's probably just on the Pakistan/Afghan border. The whole cloud formation was being lit up by flashes and jagged forks of lightening as I walked to and from the DFAC for dinner.

Most entertaining, I love electrical storms. :)

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There is a magnificent electrical storm passing to the east of us and heading south. It's probably just on the Pakistan/Afghan border. The whole cloud formation was being lit up by flashes and jagged forks of lightening as I walked to and from the DFAC for dinner.

Most entertaining, I love electrical storms. :)

Just don't sit near any buildings with whip antennae! Bloody lightning magnets those things...

"When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt; run in little circles, wave your arms and shout"

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My largest account is on credit block

Now then, it's a race between Sandie....and Fairburn....and the little man is in........yeees he's in.

I, just like those Castleford supporters felt that the ball should have gone to David Plange but he put the bit betwen his teeth...and it was a try

Kevin Ward - best player I have ever seen


The real Mick Gledhill is what you see on here, a Bradford fan ........, but deep down knows that Bradford are just not good enough to challenge the likes of Leeds & St Helens.
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My living quarters are a converted shipping container. Otherwise known as a Faraday cage. :happy:

Luxury...you should be in a canvas tent with a few pallets as a bed.

With the best, thats a good bit of PR, though I would say the Bedford team, theres, like, you know, 13 blokes who can get together at the weekend to have a game together, which doesnt point to expansion of the game. Point, yeah go on!

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Just got the companies Club Wembley tickets for the challenge cup final for free.

(they offered them to everyone but I was the only one who wanted them....!)

With the best, thats a good bit of PR, though I would say the Bedford team, theres, like, you know, 13 blokes who can get together at the weekend to have a game together, which doesnt point to expansion of the game. Point, yeah go on!

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Brazilian Bonds


Would have thought that'd be an easy one liner

Whilst I do not suffer fools gladly, I will always gladly make fools suffer

A man is getting along on the road of wisdom when he realises that his opinion is just an opinion

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I am starving myself from tonight in preparation, tomorrow night we (the family) are going to a family friends house for a meal. Its normally a 5 course affair (home cooked) with selection of drinks from Champagne on arrival, wine with dinner to Port with cheese & biscuits & brandy with coffee.

Cant wait. Am salivating at the thought :)

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I am starving myself from tonight in preparation, tomorrow night we (the family) are going to a family friends house for a meal. Its normally a 5 course affair (home cooked) with selection of drinks from Champagne on arrival, wine with dinner to Port with cheese & biscuits & brandy with coffee.

Cant wait. Am salivating at the thought :)

Sounds lovely. I am jealous.

Fides invicta triumphat

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Target: major hangover tomorrow.

I've earned it after this last week or so.

MHRA (MRHA?) audit of the distribution centre, 5 yrs neglect to be sorted in 10 days.

Of course, half the problems are my fault, and the other half are also mine.Actually, he's found another scapegoat for 10% of them, ignoring the fact that he's the major issue.(100% of the problems)

Been feckin hard work, but in spite of the odd , contradictory, jobs I've had to do, I'm actually happy that by lunchtime today, the actual warehouse bit was all sorted, even though I doubt the insulating properties of empty bottles....

Wires record breaking 10 match run: L 16-17 ; L 34-36 ; L 24-44 ; L 20-38 ; L 8-46; L 14-26 ; L 20-40 ; L 22-48 ; L 14-20 ; L 8-60. Thanks Jimmy.The Glamour Club. Apparently.

Captain Morgan Trophy Holders.(I still think we have the British Coal 9's trophy hidden somewhere, too...)

Ooooh, the Challenge Cup!!! Thank you Tony.....

And again!!!smith_morley_small.jpg

Tipping Competiton Challenged Shield Winner 2010

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