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Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

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Our local council is genuinely considering cutting back the money they spend on this sort of thing because they have to make 14% cuts across their entire budget due to government grant reductions; well, cuts on everything but education as that's been mandated as uncuttable by central government edict meaning that everything else has to put up with deeper cuts.

what's the name of your local authority?

as I understand it, the Highways Agency looks after salting motorways and trunk roads.

here is what they do in Lincolnshire including precautionary salting.

These days, authorities use GPS and vehicle telematics to ensure that the right level of salt is spread on the right roads at the right times and that complete records are kept.

see here and here

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what's the name of your local authority?

as I understand it, the Highways Agency looks after salting motorways and trunk roads.

here is what they do in Lincolnshire including precautionary salting.

These days, authorities use GPS and vehicle telematics to ensure that the right level of salt is spread on the right roads at the right times and that complete records are kept.

see here and here

I think it is a bit of a lottery though depending on who your council happens to be. Where I live, in Merseyside they are usually very good, with the gritters out early gritting all but the most minor side streets. However just a couple of miles away you cross into West Lanacashire, where on the same day you will be lucky if the A roads have been done. This difference is not just occational but is what happens most of the time.

"it is a well known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it."

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what's the name of your local authority?

as I understand it, the Highways Agency looks after salting motorways and trunk roads.

here is what they do in Lincolnshire including precautionary salting.

These days, authorities use GPS and vehicle telematics to ensure that the right level of salt is spread on the right roads at the right times and that complete records are kept.

see here and here

Suffolk Council. Trunk roads are Highways agency, others are council.

Council priorities:

* Priority 1 – All A and B class roads, and the busiest bus and commuter routes on other roads. These are treated on any occasion ice or snow is forecast to be a hazard;

* Priority 2 - Other significant bus routes and other commuter routes. Treated if snow or ice is forecast to persist for much of the day, or shorter term conditions will be severe, e.g. rain turning to ice;

* Priority 3 – Other classified roads and busier unclassified roads. Only treated in prolonged severe conditions as resources permit; and

* Priority 4 – Remaining surfaced unclassified roads. Treated in conditions of severe and prolonged snow, as resources permit.

In reality, we'd have to have a new ice age before they grit priority 3 and 4 roads. It wasn't too many years ago that they'd do their best to grit every road and they'd have the stock levels to do it properly.

Also, do you REALLY trust a government computer project to get the gritting levels right? Really?

In Suffolk and Essex, I've seen some major A roads closed in weather that simply isn't that bad because the gritting and clearance is ######. There is no excuse for not gritting roads BEFORE a predicted heavy snowfall but it happens every year and will every year in future.

"When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt; run in little circles, wave your arms and shout"

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Also, do you REALLY trust a government computer project to get the gritting levels right? Really?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

fortunately, they aren't govt computer projects!! In once case its a managed service run by the Salt Union, the company that puts the hole under Winsford.

I see though that Alastair, darling, has dropped the ID card part of the ED scheme, though it is not clear if the plan to continue with the huge database behind it.

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Loads of snow in Queensbury :D


Just a light dusting here in north Leeds - which has already turned to ice on the pavements and roads. I've been doing that John Wayne walk that somehow makes you feel like you're less likely to fall on your backside..

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Heavy snow in Copenhagen (with topical irony) and predicted to drop to -12oC.

Luckily, I am in tropical Brussels. Only a few inches of snow, a sweltering -5 and only predicted to go to -8oC at the weekend. I might top up my tan.

"You clearly have never met Bob8 then, he's like a veritable Bryan Ferry of RL." - Johnoco 19 Jul 2014

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A good few inches up here in the North East. There isn't really enough snow to cause any bother if the grit trucks have been out, which they haven't. The councils are spouting the usual guff about cars grinding it in. If that's the case then grit a day or two earlier. Even then, you know when the roads have been gritted as you can hear it on your car. I did see one grit truck this morning, but it wasn't gritting :angry: . It took me an hour and ten minutes to do a 35 minute journey, oh and guess what, the schools are closing. This country is bloody pathetic.

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Light dusting in Stoke. However family in Neustadt, Canada have got 14 inches worth.

Beat that London :D

London will beat it. You can bet there will be more disruption in London with 1 inch of snow that there will be in Neustadt with it's 14 inches. :D

"it is a well known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it."

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First snow for the kittens...they just don't know what to do

Whilst I do not suffer fools gladly, I will always gladly make fools suffer

A man is getting along on the road of wisdom when he realises that his opinion is just an opinion

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Attractive blizzard in Edinburgh yesterday which had melted by the time I left the office. Bit more overnight, which make the hills look lovely, but makes it a ###### to walk on some of the slopes!

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Moderately heavy snow here. The two main trunk roads, the A14 and A12 are shut in decently large sections. The A12/A14 junction is closed because a trucker drove too quickly, skidded and jack-knifed his lorry. None of the dangerous non-commuter roads, i.e. those on reasonable hills, have been gritted and are only passable with extreme care, if at all.

For once, my game this weekend has been cancelled very early. I'll be missing the wonders of the South Woodham Ferrers v Canvey Island local derby.

"When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt; run in little circles, wave your arms and shout"

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