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4 hours ago, Daft old hooker said:

I never get too fussed about friendlies it’s all just about match fitness and getting your combinations working particularly with new half backs. Fax are a decent side they all work hard for each other and they have a decent set of halves. How’s Morgan Smith doing for you guys? Wish Fev had kept him.

Decent player mate, scored on the end of what I thought was the best try yesterday. I think we're playing Fev in 2 weeks times at BV. I also thought Esseh I think I got that right who was on loan at Fev last year was outstanding. Strong going forward, put in some decent tackles. Some of our fans don't like Batteye but got on the score sheet again and got stuck in. Be a decent game against Fev, we will hopefully try and avenge our defeat from last year lol anyway good catching up with some old friends, roll on Mar 3rd for me against the Giants. Hope Fev can replace Leeds next year in SL well you can dream hey.

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1 hour ago, The Mighty Trin said:

Decent player mate, scored on the end of what I thought was the best try yesterday. I think we're playing Fev in 2 weeks times at BV. I also thought Esseh I think I got that right who was on loan at Fev last year was outstanding. Strong going forward, put in some decent tackles. Some of our fans don't like Batteye but got on the score sheet again and got stuck in. Be a decent game against Fev, we will hopefully try and avenge our defeat from last year lol anyway good catching up with some old friends, roll on Mar 3rd for me against the Giants. Hope Fev can replace Leeds next year in SL well you can dream hey.

Yeah Eseh was good at Fev last year will be interesting to see how he goes next season in SL. As you say a chance for you guys to get revenge in a couple of weeks at BV will end my bragging rights over all my mates from Wakey.

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1 hour ago, Daft old hooker said:

Yeah Eseh was good at Fev last year will be interesting to see how he goes next season in SL. As you say a chance for you guys to get revenge in a couple of weeks at BV will end my bragging rights over all my mates from Wakey.

Absolutely mate, like you said previously you don't take much from friendlies just seeing who fits in to what positions and a run out. Sure it will be entertaining, came down last year at P.O.Road decent turn out and you just nicked it. With my Mum's side being from Ackworth, always had a soft spot for Fev, hope they can finally get into SL this year but going to be tough with Halifax/Toulouse briefing down your necks. Good luck to you's anyway.

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3 hours ago, The Mighty Trin said:

Absolutely mate, like you said previously you don't take much from friendlies just seeing who fits in to what positions and a run out. Sure it will be entertaining, came down last year at P.O.Road decent turn out and you just nicked it. With my Mum's side being from Ackworth, always had a soft spot for Fev, hope they can finally get into SL this year but going to be tough with Halifax/Toulouse briefing down your necks. Good luck to you's anyway.

Although I was born and bred in Fev I live in Wakey so most of my mates follow them so good luck to you guys.

Will be tough for us because there are some good teams in Championship but so long as we do our best it’s all we can ask.

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8 hours ago, ELBOWSEYE said:

Been watching your verbal tennis with GUBRATS, experts when they are linked to the product they supply/sell usually exaggerate the quality of the product, I am not an expert but time will tell if it lives upto expectations, Warrington’s pitch only had problems when football teams played and overlapped the rugby season thats why we stopped doing it. 

Much was learnt from the Halliwell Jones , didn't it need relaying because the heavy machinery building the stand had broken the drainage, or compacted the substrate , or something ? 

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2 hours ago, GUBRATS said:

Much was learnt from the Halliwell Jones , didn't it need relaying because the heavy machinery building the stand had broken the drainage, or compacted the substrate , or something ? 

You probably know more than me, I just remember the moaning from the fans about the deterioration of the surface when man utd reserves were playing at the ground, eventually that with the comments from staff and players forced them to act even though it was a decent revenue earner. 

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On 15/01/2023 at 18:45, Rowan said:

Barrow 52 North Wales Crusaders 24 -closer than it sounds (22-24 just after half-time)

Initially I thought Barrow were going to run away with it but Crusaders had a great spell after 20 minutes. Jordan Andrade doing some damage from close to the line.

The score got away when Rio Corkwell(?) scored an interception try for Raiders and then we had a (very harsh) sin binning and the gaps were there for Barrow to exploit. Some good touches from Crusaders but Barrow were very effective in creating space and overlaps - the Barrow #28 looked to be the pick of the bunch.

Thanks to Barrow fans for making us welcome. All the best for the season.


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Not sure why so many people (quite often Wakefield fans for some reason) care about the scorelines in friendly games. If you've got a lot of kids playing then a win against a decent side will be good for their confidence, but aside from that it really doesn't matter. Hull go to Sheffield this weekend, I'll be keeping an eye on what's happening, but I couldn't care less about the score. I'm much more interested in how the new pivots link up together. How the returnees from long time injuries fare. What sort of style we try to adopt.

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9 hours ago, meast said:

What happened to the 30+ points hammering, I bet at least one Wakefield fan is still a bit disappointed 😃

Grow up, we absolutely hammered them in the first half and had we kept that team on it would likely of been 50. But when you bring on trialists to have a look at momentum is lost. 

But you knew that anyway but hey let’s attempt to score points no matter how petty they are.

Also Fax we’re actually quite good.

Edited by Kirmonds pouch
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3 hours ago, Kirmonds pouch said:

Grow up, we absolutely hammered them in the first half and had we kept that team on it would likely of been 50. But when you bring on trialists to have a look at momentum is lost. 

But you knew that anyway but hey let’s attempt to score points no matter how petty they are.

Also Fax we’re actually quite good.

Cheers Kirmond, summed it up well. Just like I put it in previous posts and we don't take friendlies seriously again it's friendly banter I was having with a Fev fan if you see previous posts. Don't need to go over old ground - you've got to be careful on here there is always that Leeds a***h*** that may get affended 😀

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14 hours ago, Kirmonds pouch said:

Grow up, we absolutely hammered them in the first half and had we kept that team on it would likely of been 50. But when you bring on trialists to have a look at momentum is lost. 

But you knew that anyway but hey let’s attempt to score points no matter how petty they are.

Also Fax we’re actually quite good.

Calm down, it's just poking fun at another Wakefield poster who expected a 30+ point mauling of the panthers.

Enjoy your win.

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On 18/01/2023 at 08:04, Kirmonds pouch said:

Grow up, we absolutely hammered them in the first half and had we kept that team on it would likely of been 50. But when you bring on trialists to have a look at momentum is lost. 

But you knew that anyway but hey let’s attempt to score points no matter how petty they are.

Also Fax we’re actually quite good.

Be interesting to see how many 50 point whoopings Wakefield hand out this season. 

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On 17/01/2023 at 22:24, meast said:

What happened to the 30+ points hammering, I bet at least one Wakefield fan is still a bit disappointed 😃

It was never going to happen, Wakey brought on their 5th string while Fax always kept their best 13 on the pitch at all times to make it a touch closer.

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London Skolars 18 - London Broncos 58 (HT 6-30)

It never ceases to amaze me that the Capital Challenge has favorable weather conditions, if a tad on the cold side. spectators lined up on the oppodsite side this year to previous years and a drinks tent set up. Also- praise be - a scoreboard spolied only by a couple of old blokes standing right in front of it for the whole of the second half blocking the view from the sidelines.

Marginally the lowest crowd I can recall at the game with the naked eye, and Skolars only producing an e-programme for the game (PM me if you want a copy).

The game started with Illness Macani falling over giving Skolars a 40-20 from the restart the Skolars moving the ball wide left to score in the corner. 6-0 and I thought had the Broncos transformed into a pub team. Not a bar of i,t as the remainder of the half was Broncos pressure on the Skolkrs line with them being held up over the line before the dam broke with a crossfield kick leading to the first score, Illness then scored a solo try typifying his curates egg of a day, a third try swiftly followed  thanks to an offload fropm the impressive Paul Ulberg a coupkle more scores left Broncos comfortably ahead at the half.

The second half began in similar vein with Broncos putting a lot of pressure on Skolars for little reward before Macani knocked on giving Skolars field position from which they eventuially scored. The pattern from the first half repeated itself with Broncos first grade putting on posession and points. Though what stuck out for me was a weaving run from Henry Raiwalui who ended up with a three man overlap to his left , unfortunately one of these was Illness who promptly fell over on receiving the pass halting momentum.

20 minutes from the end, Broncos emptied the bench bringing on the reserve grade, Men against Boys maybe but the boys did well. Not that you would have thought it to begin with, with a knock on straight from the kick off and the Skolars Number 7 scoring a neat chip and chase try but then the rest of the game was all Broncos with tries aplenty including a Paul Ulberg solo effort.

Good hit out for the Broncos, Skolars, well nice kit shame about the rugby, Lamont Bryan is visibly unfit and should not have been out there. Joe Mbu has some work to do.


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When the pinch comes the common people will turn out to be more intelligent than the clever ones. I certainly hope so.

George Orwell

You either own NFTs or women’s phone numbers but not both

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1 hour ago, JonM said:

Video of Widnes vs Rochdale H friendly last weekend, for those with plenty of time on their hands.


Also full match replay of Wakefield v Halifax courtesy of Halifax

And Dewsbury v Bradford (available on either club's YouTube)


Edited by Barley Mow
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2 hours ago, THE RED ROOSTER said:

London Skolars 18 - London Broncos 58 (HT 6-30)

It never ceases to amaze me that the Capital Challenge has favorable weather conditions, if a tad on the cold side. spectators lined up on the oppodsite side this year to previous years and a drinks tent set up. Also- praise be - a scoreboard spolied only by a couple of old blokes standing right in front of it for the whole of the second half blocking the view from the sidelines.

Marginally the lowest crowd I can recall at the game with the naked eye, and Skolars only producing an e-programme for the game (PM me if you want a copy).

The game started with Illness Macani falling over giving Skolars a 40-20 from the restart the Skolars moving the ball wide left to score in the corner. 6-0 and I thought had the Broncos transformed into a pub team. Not a bar of i,t as the remainder of the half was Broncos pressure on the Skolkrs line with them being held up over the line before the dam broke with a crossfield kick leading to the first score, Illness then scored a solo try typifying his curates egg of a day, a third try swiftly followed  thanks to an offload fropm the impressive Paul Ulberg a coupkle more scores left Broncos comfortably ahead at the half.

The second half began in similar vein with Broncos putting a lot of pressure on Skolars for little reward before Macani knocked on giving Skolars field position from which they eventuially scored. The pattern from the first half repeated itself with Broncos first grade putting on posession and points. Though what stuck out for me was a weaving run from Henry Raiwalui who ended up with a three man overlap to his left , unfortunately one of these was Illness who promptly fell over on receiving the pass halting momentum.

20 minutes from the end, Broncos emptied the bench bringing on the reserve grade, Men against Boys maybe but the boys did well. Not that you would have thought it to begin with, with a knock on straight from the kick off and the Skolars Number 7 scoring a neat chip and chase try but then the rest of the game was all Broncos with tries aplenty including a Paul Ulberg solo effort.

Good hit out for the Broncos, Skolars, well nice kit shame about the rugby, Lamont Bryan is visibly unfit and should not have been out there. Joe Mbu has some work to do.


To be fair to both teams, they are at completely different stages of preparation - Broncos have their 1st league game in 2 weeks so consequently played their 1st team for 3/4 of the match. They looked very organised & quick. Skolars starting 13 looked ok (accepting they are a division below) but Skolars rotated players continually - they had about 27 players including trialists/reserve/youth players so the coach needed to see what they were like & the constant chopping & changing undoubtably contributed to the erratic shape & structures (or lack of)

Main aim of the day is fundraising - inside 15 expensive tables fully booked and what appeared to be about 150 on the sideline so in the current economic climate i think it was a pretty good turn out.

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Pleasing showing from Fev in the first half in particular, HKR were missing lots of their starters but still put out a reasonably strong team in the first half, both teams made wholesale changes in the second half when the game took on a typical pre-season nature as the temperature dropped.

Great turnout for Craig Hall's testimonial and fair play to the large number of Robins fans who travelled.

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