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40 minutes ago, del capo said:

 ' There is a tide in the affairs of men

Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;

Omitted, all the voyage of their life

Is bound in shallows and in misery. '

But then again maybe some clubs just got lucky.................and have since largely picked up Grade A's.

Et tu , Brute?

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This is ridiculous really, times are tough and Salford have rinsed their fans, looking back asking fans to fund short term loans should have been enough for the RFL to step in. 

How long are the players going to accept this and Paul Rowley? They are probably worried about getting paid and it’s atleast another 3 months until the season starts. 

Will they even make the starting line.


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3 minutes ago, LeytherRob said:

kinda crazy Salford are in special measures whilst planning a trip to Portugal and asking fans for 6k to come along for a 5 day holiday to watch the players train...


Salford have definitely prepaid for so many places that they now cannot full due to signing restrictions. This is another last minute money grab off their poor fans.

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35 minutes ago, dboy said:

I'm sure all those who insisted that the "fan ownership" wasn't just a desperate short-term money grab, will have a perfectly good explanation for this.

All the RFLs fault, no doubt.


Absolutley spot on. 

It was only the Salford fans who thought it was anything but a short term fix. 

Having witnessed appeals for funding from my own club in the past, the signals at Salford were all clear to see for everyone not wearing rose tinted specs. 

 Now its special measures and ground issues.  Now where i have heard that before???

I hope for the poor fans that put their cash in to the club that things work out. 


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1 hour ago, Ragingbull said:


Absolutley spot on. 

It was only the Salford fans who thought it was anything but a short term fix. 

Having witnessed appeals for funding from my own club in the past, the signals at Salford were all clear to see for everyone not wearing rose tinted specs. 

 Now its special measures and ground issues.  Now where i have heard that before???

I hope for the poor fans that put their cash in to the club that things work out. 


Anyone who supports a club who has been there knew history, but, what would they know? 🙂

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31 minutes ago, JohnM said:

I dare you! 😄

I think Salford's idea is a good one and I can see it being copied by other clubs at some point.

I think there's very little about Salford that any other club will be looking to copy, to be honest.

They'll do well to make the start of next season.

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29 minutes ago, Wellsy4HullFC said:

If Salford don't turn this around, how much will it affect their grade?

Will this be grounds to replace them next year? I can see a return for Wakefield and Toulouse next year if this is the case, with London and Salford dropping out.

If they don't turn this around, there will be nothing there to grade!

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On 10/11/2023 at 14:02, dboy said:

Sorry, I don't understand this point.

Wakefield didn't go bust, instead Carter took the club on and would only spend the money they earned.

It meant years of being largely uncompetitive, but it also resulted in a club that turns a profit and is self-sufficient.

That stability led to a new, extremely wealthy owner taking the club on.

Isn't that EXACTLY what SRD should be doing??

Turns a profit : 2022 accounts showed a £ 400,000 loss, admittedly less than most SL clubs, 2023 accounts are likely to show a £ 750,000 loss for the 10 months that Carter and Minards were in charge ( according to info that came out in the takeover process / Cater advised during a fans meeting )  , so not turning a profit, not self sufficient and the complete opposite of stable . If Matt Elis had not shown up Trinity would have been liquidated by end of October as they had run out of cash, Carter was leaving and Minards openly stated he did not have funds. The balance sheet was propped up by unsaleable assets, stand, ground etc. People in glass houses etc etc. The idea that Wakefield pre Mat Elis was the example other clubs should follow is just utter madness. 

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2 hours ago, JohnM said:

But is the press article true? Has it been confirmed by a trusted and authoritative source trather than a Yorkshire "newspaper"

As far as RL journalists go, there aren't many more reliable that Matt Shaw and the others at the Reach group. They've broken probably 90% of the major transfer stories of recent times, including the likes of Croft/Ackers to Leeds so Shaw clearly has some good sources within the SRD club.

If this story wasn't true, Salford could quite quickly and easily put out a statement putting it to bed and forcing a retraction.

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2 hours ago, Wellsy4HullFC said:

If Salford don't turn this around, how much will it affect their grade?

Will this be grounds to replace them next year? I can see a return for Wakefield and Toulouse next year if this is the case, with London and Salford dropping out.

It shouldn't affect their grade should it? At least not nearly enough that they would be in any real danger.

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1 hour ago, burke said:

Turns a profit : 2022 accounts showed a £ 400,000 loss, admittedly less than most SL clubs, 2023 accounts are likely to show a £ 750,000 loss for the 10 months that Carter and Minards were in charge ( according to info that came out in the takeover process / Cater advised during a fans meeting )  , so not turning a profit, not self sufficient and the complete opposite of stable . If Matt Elis had not shown up Trinity would have been liquidated by end of October as they had run out of cash, Carter was leaving and Minards openly stated he did not have funds. The balance sheet was propped up by unsaleable assets, stand, ground etc. People in glass houses etc etc. The idea that Wakefield pre Mat Elis was the example other clubs should follow is just utter madness. 

That's not all correct.

The "losses" were due to the club spending money outside of that funded via Yorkcourt, including a new roof on the Rollin building and new floodlights. As you say, that is reflected in the improved net balance and assets sheet.

What you wilfully choose to ignore is that for a decade, Carter didn't spend a penny the club couldn't afford.

At no point in that time, and certainly not this year, were the club anywhere near running out of cash, or at risk of going under. It did look like a club "standing still" though.

Undoubtedly Ellis is a game changer for real progress.

Salford kept spending their rent money on players and now that's come back to bite them. It was inevitable.

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1 hour ago, The Blues Ox said:

It shouldn't affect their grade should it?

I can't remember the wording but the IMG grades are based on an understanding that RFL/SL minimum standards are met. The minimum standards include a secure tenancy.

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. (Terry Pratchett)

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