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1 hour ago, Toby Chopra said:

What Cas bodge? They're doing the work to meet the criteria, that's the idea.

Have you actually looked at their proposals? If they undertake the work it'll worsen the experience of  the average fan and really is just a box tick exercise.

Earlier today a friend and I were discussing the changes we've seen to clubs' stadiums/grounds between our first and last visits spanning the last 50 years+ and agreed that there's been essentially no change to those of Cas, Keighley, Wakefield* and Workington. Almost every other club has improved their ground beyond recognition through development or moving, with Sheffield being a possible exception.

*this will certainly change in the next year

Edited by Les Tonks Sidestep
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14 hours ago, Les Tonks Sidestep said:

Have you actually looked at their proposals? If they undertake the work it'll worsen the experience of  the average fan and really is just a box tick exercise.

Earlier today a friend and I were discussing the changes we've seen to clubs' stadiums/grounds between our first and last visits spanning the last 50 years+ and agreed that there's been essentially no change to those of Cas, Keighley, Wakefield* and Workington. Almost every other club has improved their ground beyond recognition through development or moving, with Sheffield being a possible exception.

*this will certainly change in the next year

Hopefully Keighley's changes in the next 12 to 18 months too. We've submitted new plans to the council for the demolition and rebuild of the main stand 🤞

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15 hours ago, Les Tonks Sidestep said:

Have you actually looked at their proposals? If they undertake the work it'll worsen the experience of  the average fan and really is just a box tick exercise.

Earlier today a friend and I were discussing the changes we've seen to clubs' stadiums/grounds between our first and last visits spanning the last 50 years+ and agreed that there's been essentially no change to those of Cas, Keighley, Wakefield* and Workington. Almost every other club has improved their ground beyond recognition through development or moving, with Sheffield being a possible exception.

*this will certainly change in the next year

Bradford's improved?

How bad was it?

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"We'll sell you a seat .... but you'll only need the edge of it!"

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16 hours ago, Toby Chopra said:

What Cas bodge? They're doing the work to meet the criteria, that's the idea.

That's the problem with "tick box criteria".

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"We'll sell you a seat .... but you'll only need the edge of it!"

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45 minutes ago, Griff said:

That's the problem with "tick box criteria".

Things are improved so the box can be ticked?

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Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. (Terry Pratchett)

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49 minutes ago, Griff said:

That's the problem with "tick box criteria".

People keep using the phrase "box ticking" like it somehow means the actions are worthless, whereas they're actually getting points for making the specific improvements that IMG have asked for to improve the commercial value of the sport.

You might wish to see other improvements made, and of course in an Ideal world every club would have a state of the art stadium in all aspects. But that's not what they've been asked to do.

IMG have asked them to improve their provision for broadcasters, media, high value sponsors and potential investors, because that's how they're going to drive up the sport's revenues. So that's what they're doing.

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Just now, Toby Chopra said:

People keep using the phrase "box ticking" like it somehow means the actions are worthless, whereas they're actually getting points for making the specific improvements that IMG have asked for to improve the commercial value of the sport.

You might wish to see other improvements made, and of course in an Ideal world every club would have a state of the art stadium in all aspects. But that's not what they've been asked to do.

IMG have asked them to improve their provision for broadcasters, media, high value sponsors and potential investors, because that's how they're going to drive up the sport's revenues. So that's what they're doing.

Box ticking is worthless.  In itself.

Odsal scores well on the IMG scale.  Lots of boxes ticked.  Is the fan experience good?  No.

Now we have Cas proposing pointless work on the ground.   Just to tick boxes.

"We'll sell you a seat .... but you'll only need the edge of it!"

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30 minutes ago, Griff said:

Box ticking is worthless.  In itself.

Odsal scores well on the IMG scale.  Lots of boxes ticked.  Is the fan experience good?  No.

Now we have Cas proposing pointless work on the ground.   Just to tick boxes.

It not pointless work. Its work that will help IMF sell the sport for more than the pittance we currently get. If you only see stadiums in terms of "regular fans" coming through the turnstiles you're missing half of what modern sports stadiums are supposed to do. Which is why the sport is so undervalued.

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Just now, Toby Chopra said:

It not pointless work. Its work that will help IMF sell the sport for more than the pittance we currently get. If you only see stadiums in terms of "regular fans" coming through the turnstiles you're missing half of what modern sports stadiums are supposed to do. Which is why the sport is so undervalued.

Lol, if the IMF were involved we'd really be in trouble! I mean IMG of course.

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3 minutes ago, Coastal_Geordie said:

Sounds like Salford’s desperate/naive statement has not got the politicians in line as they may have hoped.


A fair few digs there, especially the bit about Sale being exemplary tenants, but I'm not sure what else Salford expect. They've had wonderful backing from the council for many years and it was inevitable that at some point the council's patience would wear thin.

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9 hours ago, Damien said:

A fair few digs there, especially the bit about Sale being exemplary tenants, but I'm not sure what else Salford expect. They've had wonderful backing from the council for many years and it was inevitable that at some point the council's patience would wear thin.

Sale being “cuckoos” by paying their rent on time and generating match day income.


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Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. (Terry Pratchett)

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On 11/11/2023 at 12:46, JohnM said:

You might have hit on a whole-game solution. We could borrow billions if it were the IMF...😄

Then renege on the deal like a third world dictatorship? I might pitch that to the RFL.

"I am the avenging angel; I come with wings unfurled, I come with claws extended from halfway round the world. I am the God Almighty, I am the howling wind. I care not for your family; I care not for your kin. I come in search of terror, though terror is my own; I come in search of vengeance for crimes and crimes unknown. I care not for your children, I care not for your wives, I care not for your country, I care not for your lives." - (c) Jim Boyes - "The Avenging Angel"

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On 10/11/2023 at 19:13, Les Tonks Sidestep said:

Have you actually looked at their proposals? If they undertake the work it'll worsen the experience of  the average fan and really is just a box tick exercise.

Earlier today a friend and I were discussing the changes we've seen to clubs' stadiums/grounds between our first and last visits spanning the last 50 years+ and agreed that there's been essentially no change to those of Cas, Keighley, Wakefield* and Workington. Almost every other club has improved their ground beyond recognition through development or moving, with Sheffield being a possible exception.

*this will certainly change in the next year

Yes the way, Wigan, Hull, Hudds managed to improve their facilities was wonderful - a real blue print for how to go about things. Why Cas haven't just asked Tesco to build on Wheldon Road is beyond me

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Now then, it's a race between Sandie....and Fairburn....and the little man is in........yeees he's in.

I, just like those Castleford supporters felt that the ball should have gone to David Plange but he put the bit betwen his teeth...and it was a try

Kevin Ward - best player I have ever seen


The real Mick Gledhill is what you see on here, a Bradford fan ........, but deep down knows that Bradford are just not good enough to challenge the likes of Leeds & St Helens.
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1 hour ago, Kenilworth Tiger said:

Yes the way, Wigan, Hull, Hudds managed to improve their facilities was wonderful - a real blue print for how to go about things. Why Cas haven't just asked Tesco to build on Wheldon Road is beyond me

It's something some forget, conveniently or otherwise.

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 ' There is a tide in the affairs of men

Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;

Omitted, all the voyage of their life

Is bound in shallows and in misery. '

But then again maybe some clubs just got lucky.................and have since largely picked up Grade A's.

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