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Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

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I'm working at home today, the wife had to go in to work but she doesn't like driving in snowy conditions so I'm her taxi for the day. Took me 40 minutes to do the normally 15 minute drive to her work this morning then 30 coming back. I don't mind though, better her safe than sorry.

I was shocked at how many people thought it was appropriate to drive with small holes in the ice on their windscreens or fully misted-up cars with a hastily wiped small viewing hole, then going on major dual carriageway trunk roads and driving at 70mph+ while being 90% blind of their surroundings. At one major roundabout, I approached it slowing down carefully down the hill and got round safely, in the outside lane though was an idiot who sped past me to the roundabout then discovered his car had no chance of slowing down in time, thankfully the driver of the approaching car on the roundabout saw him and slowed down in time to allow the idiot to slide onto the roundabout. I wish the police had been out in force today as more than a few drivers were being criminally irresponsible

If people have no clue how to drive in snow and ice then they should either stay home or go learn.

It's the same around here. It's frightening how many people still seem to think they can drive at approaching their normal speed in these poor conditions.

I wonder if it's just suburban drivers- when we lived in Cumbria, I found people were much better drivers in poor winter conditions than they are here in Oldham.

It usually takes me around 15mins to travel the four miles or so to Oldham town centre from Shaw, I'm expecting it to take me at least double that this afternoon and will plan accordingly. If other drivers took the time to do so I bet the accidents would be greatly reduced.

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a mixture of snerr and hail in Hull this lunchtime. So it looks like the already deep snerr drifts will be freezing hard soon. Still, they'll be no match for the man in charge of the gritting wagons round these parts....a Mr Skidmore...I kid you not!

Edited by Old Frightful
                                                                  :kolobok_sad:   Hull FC....The Sons of God....  :kolobok_sad:
                                                                     (Well, we are about to be crucified on Good Friday)
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Just looked out the window - two feet of snow!









I'll get me coat...

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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love it Futtocks :lol:

going in this morning to HRI was easy peasy compared to yesterday morning....got all cock sure of it being a good day....then as the buses went off, back on,then all off again - patients never ending cancellations, consultants demands to rebook asap with no slots available, and then when nursing staff told they can leave...office/reception staff we can't :dry:

Now normally I'm not soft, but having just having an op, there was no way I could walk all the way...and considering I had asked for updates on buses running etc etc....I had a bit of a bottom lip moment....so next thing I know...security bloke is asked to finish two hours early and get me home :D bless him

Whilst I do not suffer fools gladly, I will always gladly make fools suffer

A man is getting along on the road of wisdom when he realises that his opinion is just an opinion

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Still nowt to speak of here (had a very light dusting yesterday) but bloody cold. I suppose that's what you get for living less than 2 miles from the sea and a few feet below sea level!

That might be what you get in western coastal districts. It's been piling in to North Sea coastal areas for the best part of a week now.

"I'm from a fishing family. Trawlermen are like pirates with biscuits." - Lucy Beaumont.

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The view from the BRI (Ward 2/5 Link) facing Duckworth Lane.


Is that the Seattle Seahawks stadium in the background?

Now then, it's a race between Sandie....and Fairburn....and the little man is in........yeees he's in.

I, just like those Castleford supporters felt that the ball should have gone to David Plange but he put the bit betwen his teeth...and it was a try

Kevin Ward - best player I have ever seen


The real Mick Gledhill is what you see on here, a Bradford fan ........, but deep down knows that Bradford are just not good enough to challenge the likes of Leeds & St Helens.
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12 inches here but then Clayton is just as high up as Queensbury.

Do they get snow in Pakistan?

I believe it's not unknown to get an icy blast up the Khyber Pass at this time of year.

"I'm from a fishing family. Trawlermen are like pirates with biscuits." - Lucy Beaumont.

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Do they get snow in Pakistan?

Exxile could answer this one in about 8 different threads

Now then, it's a race between Sandie....and Fairburn....and the little man is in........yeees he's in.

I, just like those Castleford supporters felt that the ball should have gone to David Plange but he put the bit betwen his teeth...and it was a try

Kevin Ward - best player I have ever seen


The real Mick Gledhill is what you see on here, a Bradford fan ........, but deep down knows that Bradford are just not good enough to challenge the likes of Leeds & St Helens.
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Exxile could answer this one in about 8 different threads

It's ok, Mick keeps his racism to Facebook.

I can confirm 30+ less sales for Scotland vs Italy at Workington, after this afternoons test purchase for the Tonga match, £7.50 is extremely reasonable, however a £2.50 'delivery' fee for a walk in purchase is beyond taking the mickey, good luck with that, it's cheaper on the telly.

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It's ok, Mick keeps his racism to Facebook.

Do I now, well that is news to me.

How come the many Asian friends I have on there (some who I work with) have never pulled me up about it?

Edited by Tommy The C5t
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