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  1. Of course I am !! Like all Broncos fans I'd be delighted if Skolars take off Most of us are fans if both anyway. Weirdly the dream is that we end up successful enough to hate each other and wish each other ill
    13 points
  2. I trust you are being ironic. I put £5000 into the club (plus £1k each year sponsorship and STs) with zero expectation of any return. Every one involved in this club did it for the love of the sport certainly not for profit, fame or glory. Some have lost six figure sums over the years. Skolars has survived due to that. To survive longer term and grow the club needs more money than the current owners can muster. This deal, whatever it is, is our best hope and frankly the best hope for RL in London at the moment. If I make a profit I will donate it, not that it’s anyone’s business.
    13 points
  3. Has been announced today the club has been bought by an Australian consortium. Subject to RFL approval they should be in place for this season. The current directors and previous ones particularly Hector McNeil, have done an amazing job but hopefully we can now be taken to the next level (and the one after that, SL!) Also hopefully this will be a chance to reboot RL in London or at least North and East London.
    8 points
  4. People say this, but they don't know the risks in detail though. Potential players know it's a rough game and they will banged about a bit, they know they might break a limb, or even "get" a concussion. But no-one (in either code, at the entry level) tells them the percentage likelihood of any of those things occurring, per position, and what a club's record is on those things, even though the data exists. They also aren't told in detail what the long-term effects of repeated concussions are, even though the medical evidence has been mounting up for years. It's left up to the individual, and at youth age the parents, to seek this info out. But the clubs know, or at least the governing bodies do and could provide the clubs with all the info they need when a new player joins. But imagine the impact on numbers if when a kid reaches contact age, their club gives the parents a full description of catastrophic brain injury and the likelihood of it occurring. Some might be reassured, but many would be put off, as they already are. It isn't sustainable any more to not talk about it, but the unvarnished truth will also probably be too much for many parents or amateur adults. So the long term trend is clear - outside of professional tiers, both rugbys, American football etc, will become a lower contact games, and in time that will bleed through to the top tiers, if only because the transition between the two contact styles would be too much if pro tiers stayed the same.
    7 points
  5. Best not try again then, eh?
    7 points
  6. Personally I think new river is perfect. 50 acre site in zone 3 and could be reconfigured easily. Easily good enough for L1 and with limited work Champ. With a SL plan for later. With spurs redevelopment tons of money gone into the area as well. Plus not far from Highgate and Muswell Hill Winchmore Hill etc all well heeled areas
    5 points
  7. Most interesting comment was they said Broncos will no longer be no 1 in london and Superleague is the only target.
    5 points
  8. I believe the new owners have a very healthy source of players from the Brisbane and Auckland areas
    4 points
  9. I believe broncos pay £20k a game at Wimbledon. Id be surprised if Skolars pay double that for the season. More like £2k a game. £18k to spend on a squad is massive. plus the bar is all theirs and they often use the car park for bars and food etc. whats great there is loads of space. I dont think the cost to upgrade would be enormous. the capacity is officially 5k with the terracing. Haringey Council would love a solution for NR. It's got close several times before. im very optimistic
    4 points
  10. Its fair enough to be sceptical about the prospects for a successful London rugby league team - at some point we have to stop making excuses for 40 years of relative failure. But you're wrong about the bit in bold. In the late 90s to the mid-2000s the Broncos did have a visible presence in the London sporting ecosystem - a lot more people would have at least recognised the name and the sport than would now, way beyond northerners and expatriate Aussies. The question is why was it not sustained, and what we can we learn from that to give the best chance of success now. I'd really like to hear from the new Skolars owners what they've learned from the past, and how they'll make sure it's different this time round.
    4 points
  11. A few more thoughts having watched the game again... I'm verymuch on the side of not getting carried away with pre-season games. Hull KR were vanilla in attack, it was mostly one-out stuff, and, lacking some of their star names, really played to the level of a Championship team overall on what was their first hit-out. That said, it was stil an encouraging display from us and we didn't let in any soft tries, whcih was a hallmark of last season. In terms of clues about selection.. I think poor Pickersgill has an uphill task to get a spot, Aekins looked a real playmaker and linked up really well with Ford, he also filled in at half back in the second half. The wing spots might still be up for grabs. Evans didn't really get much chance to show what he can do, his only carries coming from deep in our own territory in yardage sets, whereas Gaz Gale had his best game for ages I thought, he made one error when spilling a ridiculously high kick but atoned for that immediately with that brilliant try-saving tackle on the line. I still think Briscoe will be one of the starters even though he didn't start last night and for me Evans and Gale are probably vying for the other spot... Unless of course Hall is a candidate to play there, but he started at centre with Joey on the bench again. Long said afterwards that Joey has had a bit of a sore calf though so maybe that's why he hasn't started either game, but at this stage I don't know if he's pencilled in to make the 17 or not. Half back...as I said when we signed him Lacans is fast becoming a fans' favourite. My gut is still that Dean and Ford will be our starters against Keighley but Lacans is certainly putting his hand up, I still don't think he has the ability to create openings with ball in hand as much as the other two but he's a tremendous tackler and his attitude is terrific. I hope we'll see plenty of all three halves over the season. Ford had some nice touches, he's always going to be a rocks and diamonds player but he asks a lot of questions of defences and already looks to have an understanding with Aekins. The one thing I'd say was a bit off last night was our kicking game at the end of yardage sets (not so much near the line which was good), too many straight down the full back's throat. Our middles were good and Taylor is going to add something to us, he's good at everything isn't he, and that pass for Koppy's try was as good as you'd see from any half back.. his leadership was obvious too. Our big middles were all good, as others have said Fleming has played pretty well so far, I still have my doubts about him defensively but he has shown up well so far. It was quite funny watching Junior who is still clearly working his way to fitness after missing most of pre-season training, he was ambling in at half-speed but still carrying people downfield. Injuries...Bussey and Joey were very minor issues according to Long's post-game interview but sadly for JD it sounds like his hamstring injury is going to keep him out for a while. During the commentary Kheirallah revealed that he's targeting the home game against Sheffield for his comeback. Sadly Hepi says he's out for the season and awaiting the op for his ACL injury. Think we have to be happy with the performance, whilst accepting that we won't really know where we stand in terms of comparisons with last year until a few games into the season at least. Good to have a feelgood atmosphere back amongst the fans though, let's hope it lasts longer than in 2022.
    4 points
  12. I think we are the anchor tenant and have a long term lease so there is some stability there and yes as any one who has been to New River knows there is a long of old terracing around the pitch that could be developed although presumably that would be costly. Important I think that the Harringay/North East London identity is maintain and built on whatever the future holds. I think there is real value is being a club with association to a part of London.
    4 points
  13. Not sure what the price will be as not a Director but expect not and as you can imagine I didn't buy the shares with any expectation to make money!
    4 points
  14. https://rugbyleague.nl/nrlb-partner-with-super-league-club/
    3 points
  15. As a holidaying Aussie I went to London Skolars v Toulouse on the eve of the 2016 Challenge Cup final and really enjoyed the experience. From the kids at the nearby tube station handing out flyers and giving directions, to the lady on the gate greeting me with a warm welcome, to the banter in the bar after the game with people involved in the club .....it was a great evening out. I thought the stadium was suitable and hope they establish themselves there. Ended up buying a London Skolars polo shirt which I still wear today. The creation and competent implementation of a marketing strategy to entice both locals and visitors to home games is certainly a task for the new owners. Hopefully get back there when next in the UK during the RL season.
    3 points
  16. New River is fine and can be developed a little. The Skolars surely won't make the error of the Broncos in thinking that a shortcut to building a fanbase is to move to a shiny stadium. In any case, they already have a clubhouse/bar/shop on site so it wouldn't make sense to lose that foothold. I've previously said that there aren't the resources for 2 p/t professional teams in London - but happy to hear what the new owners' plans are (and, more importantly, who they are).
    3 points
  17. Are you saying that Fev didn't win the league last night because Facebook is telling me otherwise.
    3 points
  18. I wish I could begin to understand what you are on about. We have listed a player from each Super League club, not just Saints, Wigan and Leeds.
    3 points
  19. They actually looked like they were enjoying what they were doing, massive difference from the spluttering end to last season. That defensive speed and impact was SL quality.
    3 points
  20. You are Eric Perez and I claim my £5.
    3 points
  21. We scored 10 tries last week against Crusaders with players in all sorts of positions that realistically they shouldn’t have to play in. No Sammut either or I’m sure it’d have been more. Reading some of your comments you struggled last week creating many try scoring opportunities so the opposite to us. It reminded me of our team in 2014 I think when we had Murray, he put a poor squad together and we were really toothless. Hopefully he does better at Town and all the best for 2023, you deserve a good season after last!
    3 points
  22. The only thing left in Valencia is a very good ex pat referee who is doing a fine job spreading the rugby league word over Europe, doing referee seminars and reffing in France every so often, top bloke too.
    3 points
  23. from what I understand the investors have already been signed off by the RFL before. so you would think it will all be ok. lots to build on at the club. Skolars make a little bit go a long way. never had any debt or gone under and a solid base and history. most of the team are from their own juniors and London pathway. they did really well a few seasons ago when Wigan loaned them 3 quality players. top of the league mid season so if there is an injection of a dozen quality players League 1 will get very interesting for them.
    3 points
  24. Oh wow I completely misread the title! Makes much more sense now
    3 points
  25. Some great news coming from the Capital, can only be good for Rugby League, the Broncos need proper competition down there so the fans can build up a tribal loyalty like in the North. I just hope for all concerned that it has the full backing of the RFL and is not another flash in the pan. Rugby League needs a strong London based team or two to be taken seriously especially by the media.
    3 points
  26. Was announced today at the match. I am also a share holder (not director) so can confirm legit
    3 points
  27. That's an achievable target if they have a bit of money and common sense. The latter being something the Broncos have embarrassingly little of.
    3 points
  28. It has been a busy close season for Bassetlaw Bulldogs as we plan for our 5th year. We are growing at quite a rate, having begun from a standing start in 2018. This year, we will be rolling out 8. Mixed U7, U9, U11 Boys U13, U15 Girls U11, U13 X-League social touch This means that our volunteers continue to be extremely busy. We've just launched our 2023 fundraising campaign to provide a mini-tractor to attend to our pitch and to help volunteers set up and clear up after games. You can have a peek here at our campaign. It is fronted by Bazza the Bulldog, our new mascot. He will be heading into both primary and secondary school settings in February to drum up some more trade. Two of our coaches are offering some after-school sessions in local schools this term too, to get more pupils involved in the game locally. This growth is organic, and self-funded, but it looks like the ground is pretty fertile at the moment.
    3 points
  29. Still say it looks decent on.
    2 points
  30. But this forum abounds with people certain that they can do a trillion times better than the current mob, and who aren't even on that kind of advertised salary. Is this actually a genius "Moneyball" style pitch for undervalued talent that's flown under the radar?
    2 points
  31. I hope all of those involved with the club, will still be around in some capacity. Their knowledge and insights will be invaluable.
    2 points
  32. Gary Ainsworth, not very athletic looking but what a player, loved watching him.
    2 points
  33. given there are 400k people in Haringey (bigger than Bradford) & similar in neighbouring boroughs of Islington, Barnet and Walthemstow all probably within 20 mins drive I think thats a big enough market. Skolars are a distant second to Spurs in the borough but given that its £100 a ticket at spurs & they sell out all the time if the product is right then why not. Ive always believed if you have that local focus then you can succeed
    2 points
  34. North Wales Crusaders finished off their 3rd Wheelchair Rugby League taster session last night and I'm pleased to say that we had on average 30 people down to each session. Some were our players, some new to the game liked it so much they came again, some where first timers try it out including some regular running players. Glad to see so many coming along and enjoying themselves. Our regular training starts again in two weeks so look out for posters advertising our training sessions.
    2 points
  35. I don't fully agree. Of course, a large capital investment is required but I think that the 'build slowly approach' is the *only way* it will work in London. Ironically, this was happening at Ealing between 2016-2019 - all aspects of the club at one location, incremental stadium improvements, crowds growing, local community side started - but just not fast enough for Hughes. I don't care that some fans think Ealing was sub-par as a venue - other people were taking their place at a faster rate than they were leaving. Skolars have something that the Broncos don't - a property that allows them to make money (I'm assuming they own the clubhouse?). Hughes's folly was never to own anything at all. Hemel should have been the blueprint. Skolars is next best. I don't think Skolars need to redevelop New River until they have a side that pulls in >2k. That is some way off and so I don't think infrastructure investment is needed in the near term. Catering for crowds way, way bigger than you're getting (or going to get anytime soon) is the (failed) Broncos approach.
    2 points
  36. I really don't think there is a lot of value in having this argument over again on this thread.
    2 points
  37. And if not Spurs’ ground is around the corner Edit - it’s a shame sarcasm can’t be indicated with emojis any more.
    2 points
  38. As we approach the 2023 season, I thought it would be worth looking at the Brits in the NRL and what we may expect. Herbie Farnworth: In his final contract year at the Broncos. Was one of the elite centres in the NRL last until his year was cut short by a bicep injury but came back to have a good World Cup. You would expect a big year from him and huge demand for his signature from 2024 onwards. Ryan Sutton: A move to the Bulldogs on a 3 year contract with a view to cementing a regular starting spot I would imagine. Had a stuttering last year with the Raiders but definitely NRL starting quality for me. John Bateman: Back to the NRL with Wests for a 4 year contract. Can he have the same impact as he did with the Raiders. Elliot Whitehead: The last Brit at the Raiders. An old hand now but always reliable. 2022 maybe wasn't his best year but he remains ultra consistent and top drawer. Luke Thompson: In his last contracted year at the Bulldogs. He hasn't lit up the NRL as we had hoped due to suspensions and injuries. This could be a big year for him and a chance to show he is one of the elite front rowers in the game. Seeing where he lands in 2024 will be very interesting. Oliver Gildart: A one year contract at the new Dolphins franchise gives Gildart a chance to prove he belongs at this level after a disappointing stint with the Tigers and a short loan spell with the Roosters. Will he get an NRL gig is 2024? Bailey Hodgson: Desperately unlucky with injuries since his move down under. With Kayln Ponga slated to move into the halves to partner Jackson Hastings there may be a chance for Hodgson to cement the #1 jersey. Again the last year of his contract so needs to impress. Dominic Young: A breakout year in 2022 and now an international. You would expect him to kick on this year and be in demand for 2024 as again he is in the final year of his contract with the Knights. Josh Hodgson: After having his 2022 season wiped out with an ACL injury, Hodgson secured a surprise move to the Eels for this year. As title contenders, he could have a very good year. Again a 1 year deal with a club option for a second. Tom Burgess: The senior player in the Rabbitohs pack, he had another good year in 2022 and a strong World Cup. In his final year of his contract and only 30, you would expect him to play out another couple of seasons if he wanted, he has been very durable with no serious injuries as far as I can remember. I don't want to get bogged down in the eligibility chat and I know that Victor Radley is at the Roosters and Jackson Hastings at Newcastle but this is really about players who have gone from the UK to Australia while they all their junior rugby in Australia. What struck me when I typed the list is how many Brits are in the final year of their contracts. With Kai Pearce-Paul and Will Pryce over there next year and many others maybe moving clubs, it will be interesting to watch developments in signings as well as performances on the pitch. (if I have missed anyone then flag and I will edit)
    2 points
  39. I agree, but I'd prefer to be cautious until we've played some league matches. On paper we look like a quality side.
    2 points
  40. Leigh had no choice due to the the quota. It was being said he wanted to return to Australia but that changed after the World cup. Either way you have got a belter of a player
    2 points
  41. The RFL have the platform to do the streaming through Ourleague, they have put some resources into getting the production team together and have put some promotional resources in helping to ensure that the rugby league public know the game is televised. They will also upload the content to the disciplinary panel which saves Barrow a job. Barrow have taken all the risk so they get the chunk of the money and some might argue being streamed may affect their gate, although Barrow don't share that view as they believe getting our product to a wider audience helps grow the game. PPV options came in during COVID for the behind closed doors games and first option was always given to the home side to cover production costs, if they declined the away side could take the risk and pick up the income. The option for PPV has continued and as long as the fixture doesn't clash with something a broadcaster like Sky is screening then you usually get approval from the RFL. Leigh streamed a few games last season. The option for the away side is still there but the home side have to agree. In the 2021 season Barrow paid for quite a few games as the away side and didn't quite cover the production costs but had the game on the big screen at the ground and more than compensated through bar sales with hundreds there.
    2 points
  42. Incidentally, and allowing for PR bias, this has been trialled in NZ and the feedback from actual participants - as opposed to ex-players, anonymous veterans on the net etc - was overwhelmingly positive. Looks like around 4/5 of those taking part said the game was more enjoyable to play as a result. EDIT Should make clear: trialled in rugby union
    2 points
  43. Craig’s very well thought of at Rovers. Fev looked good, you’re going to have a great season
    2 points
  44. Not existing, never existing, and no prospect of existing, really wasn't a problem for people all aboard the Euro XIII train and its attendant nonsense.
    2 points
  45. I wouldn’t know, as I wasn’t sat next to him. Anti-plagiarism software is a fairly complicated bit of kit. You can get very different results depending on the settings that are applied to the text that you are analysing. For example, if your simply run a text through the software and ask it to detect exact matches of whole sentences to general sources, it will throw up a very different result to asking it to highlight similarities to a specific source (taking into account minor changes to vocab and sentence structure).
    2 points
  46. Great turnout for a Friday night friendly, Hkr brought plenty and should be applauded for that.
    2 points
  47. If Hector thinks its the best way forward then that's good enough for me. Interesting stuff, and hopefully exciting times
    2 points
  48. I’ve a lot of time for this club. Would love to see them do well
    2 points
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