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38 minutes ago, damp squib said:

I can see why you would think that but it is more complicated than that.

In my experience the degree to which a person is genuinely connected to their heritage generally correlates to how well the population of that heritage has integrated into the new country, or, to put it more bluntly, how much discrimination they experience in the new country because of their heritage.

I see a noticeable difference between people of Irish heritage born and raised in Britain up to around the 70s and early 80s and how their relationship to Britain was affected by discrimination to the point where they solely or primarily identified as Irish, compared to the next generation who are primarily British-identifying and have a more superficial relationship to their Irish heritage.

People of Tongan heritage in Australia are no doubt raised with constant reminders of their “Tonganess” by Australian society in a way that people with Scottish heritage don’t experience in England. That creates a much stronger and more genuine connection for better or worse.

That's a fair enough point. But in the same breath, it can't be claimed that everyone falls in to that category across the board. I know some people who are very proud of their Scottish heritage and others who couldn't give a monkey's. More pertinently, you have to have a consistent set of eligibility rules for all countries, so it can't be based on something vague and intangible such as how passionate the fans are or the extent to which players feel a connection for their country of heritage. Otherwise, how many countries would that rule out? Probably the vast majority.

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1 minute ago, Johnoco said:

But ultimately it boils down to the fact that RL has never established itself as a sport in Scotland, however small, and so it’s no surprise that it would struggle for support/recognition. 

I've made this point time and again in these type of threads. We seem to have one a week and any thread on Scotland or Ireland turns into a RL eligibility thread.

Anyhow this is the crux of it for me. If there was a serious RL presence in Scotland then most people wouldn't care less about eligibility players. People always try and make false comparisons with RU or the Irish Football team whilst completely ignoring the fact that those sports are widely played in those countries and there is still a sizable portion of non heritage players in those teams anyhow.

Those reasons are precisely why Wales and France at RL get no criticism when they use heritage players as its to bolster what they have, not to essentially create an entire team. The game is also played in those players to a meaningful level.

I'm not keen on heritage teams but very much see it as a needs must, pragmatic decision. However let's see it for what it is rather than make silly comparisons to other sports.

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Well this thread has certainly moved on from the first post, but if anyone is interested, Forth Valley Vikings have got their first official training session tonight. There was a maximum of 30 spaces available spilt across two groups and as far as I'm aware it is fully booked.

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1 hour ago, MZH said:

Well this thread has certainly moved on from the first post, but if anyone is interested, Forth Valley Vikings have got their first official training session tonight. There was a maximum of 30 spaces available spilt across two groups and as far as I'm aware it is fully booked.

Hear hear! 

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Opening fixtures of the NATIONAL LEAGUE | The 2021 National League will return on Saturday 26th June with Fife Lions Arlfc facing Glasgow Rugby League, Strathmore Silverbacks RL hosting Forth Valley Vikings RL and Edinburgh Eagles Rugby League receive a BYE

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3 hours ago, 2blackrooks said:

Opening fixtures of the NATIONAL LEAGUE | The 2021 National League will return on Saturday 26th June with Fife Lions Arlfc facing Glasgow Rugby League, Strathmore Silverbacks RL hosting Forth Valley Vikings RL and Edinburgh Eagles Rugby League receive a BYE

I might try and watch a few of these. 

Running the Rob Burrow marathon to raise money for the My Name'5 Doddie foundation:


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5 hours ago, 2blackrooks said:

Opening fixtures of the NATIONAL LEAGUE | The 2021 National League will return on Saturday 26th June with Fife Lions Arlfc facing Glasgow Rugby League, Strathmore Silverbacks RL hosting Forth Valley Vikings RL and Edinburgh Eagles Rugby League receive a BYE

Just seeing that list reminds me I played a game for Fife Lions back around 1999. 

I had completely forgotten about it. Dislocated my shoulder that day too.

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6 hours ago, The Frying Scotsman said:

Just seeing that list reminds me I played a game for Fife Lions back around 1999. 

I had completely forgotten about it. Dislocated my shoulder that day too.

I liked this post before I got to the last line by the way! :kolobok_biggrin:

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On 06/04/2021 at 21:12, 2blackrooks said:

Opening fixtures of the NATIONAL LEAGUE | The 2021 National League will return on Saturday 26th June with Fife Lions Arlfc facing Glasgow Rugby League, Strathmore Silverbacks RL hosting Forth Valley Vikings RL and Edinburgh Eagles Rugby League receive a BYE

Thanks. Good to see five teams this season, with potentially Aberdeen to be added next year as they’re reforming. 

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2 hours ago, Eddie said:

Thanks. Good to see five teams this season, with potentially Aberdeen to be added next year as they’re reforming. 

Apparently Aberdeen planning some exciting announcements in the next 24hrs??

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12 hours ago, 2blackrooks said:

Apparently Aberdeen planning some exciting announcements in the next 24hrs??

Aberdeen have been included in the cup draw for this season. I'm guessing that was the announcement.

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39 minutes ago, Damien said:

If Aberdeen get added then 6 teams would be a great starting point towards a proper full league. Hopefully the World Cup can give a little boost to this start and foster more teams.

Aberdeen announced a little while ago that they were starting up again and would be in the league next year. I didn't know anything about them being included in this year's cup until today though, great news to have a 6th team involved.

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1 hour ago, Mumby Magic said:

I'm not really a fan of putting a team without any roots bit would it be worth while doing for Scotland? Crusaders and WWR are still existing what was a fairly alien area for them.

I don't think you can compare Wales, with its long history in the game, to Scotland.

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15 hours ago, Mumby Magic said:

Fair point I know I'm clutching at straws. As per usual we don't seem to have a plan. 

Bit harsh that. The plan is to develop a sustainable grassroots setup which feeds into Scotland’s junior and open age teams. It’s been a struggle but they now seem to be making some headway with this. The support from Newcastle helps too

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22 minutes ago, DoubleD said:

Bit harsh that. The plan is to develop a sustainable grassroots setup which feeds into Scotland’s junior and open age teams. It’s been a struggle but they now seem to be making some headway with this. The support from Newcastle helps too

Well done Scotland! Setting up a stable domestic league, then some youth teams should be the plan for this decade. Some people just obsess about SL whenever there is a topic about Scotland or Ireland. 

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The obsession of having a 'professional' scottish rl club for the sake of it. The game can neither afford it or need it. Far more important to develope some foundations ,in the junior and community game. Really,the game needs to reduce the number of 'semi professional' (paid for by a benefactor,who inevitably is criticised) and strengthen the community/junior game.

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