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2 hours ago, town2018 said:

People on here really need to realise what a forum is all about people are coming on here and posting there views and thoughts on the club etc and getting slated for doing so no one on here can say they are happy with the squad we have so far we have potentially lost one off the biggest sponsors off recent years and no answers as to why.

It really looks like the club have some serious questions to be asked 

You're right in that a forum is a place for people to post their opinions and everyone has a right to do that, but it is also a place where people can come, give themselves whatever username they want and write whatever nonsense they want without any proof or evidence behind it (I'm not accusing you of that by the way) 

Why should the club have to justify themselves every time somebody asks a question, raises a concern or shares a rumour they've heard from somewhere? 

With regards to the sponsorship I've heard that McDonald's were in talks but things stalled due to their demands, wanting Ronald Mcdonald to be our new mascot and their employee of the month to start on the wing for Town in the following league game was a bit to much to ask ...... I demand someone from the club comes out and makes a statement on this immediately! 

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Taking stock of where we are. 

I think everyone accepts that we’re a few players short of where we would all like the squad to be but the clubs got a good bunch of lads already recruited and training well under a high quality coach.

The clubs board reshuffle is imminent. It seems that the club have some excellent people wanting to join the board and take us forward. 

Once that’s done I expect that further recruitment will follow. Myers and Bowmans sponsorship was fantastic but as with all main sponsors they only usually last two/three seasons as that achieves the desired commercial impact 

We’ve over two months until our first game of the season takes place let’s keep the positivity and enjoy the ride as this year ahead of schedule we get to see our team face some fantastic players and teams hopefully some great crowds too

up the town 

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36 minutes ago, town2018 said:

I'm entitled to my opinion as like I said that's the whole point off a forum the difference is a few on here are on a different planet and say that have faith in the club at the minute but find that very hard to believe at present 

So are we also not entitled to our opinion on someone elses opinion, are we not allowed to question what they post? 

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1 hour ago, Town Army said:

You're right in that a forum is a place for people to post their opinions and everyone has a right to do that, but it is also a place where people can come, give themselves whatever username they want and write whatever nonsense they want without any proof or evidence behind it (I'm not accusing you of that by the way) 

Why should the club have to justify themselves every time somebody asks a question, raises a concern or shares a rumour they've heard from somewhere? 

With regards to the sponsorship I've heard that McDonald's were in talks but things stalled due to their demands, wanting Ronald Mcdonald to be our new mascot and their employee of the month to start on the wing for Town in the following league game was a bit to much to ask ...... I demand someone from the club comes out and makes a statement on this immediately! 

Heard Ronald is useful,a bit of a pounder who can score tries in a flurry.

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Not sure why there is so much negatively about the club from certain people. We've just been promoted for christ sake (a year sooner than planned also).

Retained majority of the squad that got us here and signed a handful of lads to replace the ones that left who've already played championship rugby. And captured one of the amateur games best stars. 

Everyone can have an opinion either way, and people can challenge that opinion also. But to constantly have a negative opinion of the club does raise some questions wether people are genuine fans or just on to stir things up

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7 minutes ago, townie88 said:

Not sure why there is so much negatively about the club from certain people. We've just been promoted for christ sake (a year sooner than planned also).

Retained majority of the squad that got us here and signed a handful of lads to replace the ones that left who've already played championship rugby. And captured one of the amateur games best stars. 

Everyone can have an opinion either way, and people can challenge that opinion also. But to constantly have a negative opinion of the club does raise some questions wether people are genuine fans or just on to stir things up

There is a lot off negative comments because majority off the clubs have already announced the bulk off there signings a players retained were no were near

The club only ever seem to want to engage with the fans when then get a benefit from it like they will announce signings on the run up to releasing the strips etc like the run up to the play off games the social media was top notch to get fans to games why so quite now when a lot off fans are still paying money out to the 200 club etc 

Yes fans don't need to no everything going on at the club but should at least have a bit more than what's happening at the minute 

And to set the record straight I'm not a haven fan I'm just a frustrated town fan 

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5 minutes ago, town2018 said:

There is a lot off negative comments because majority off the clubs have already announced the bulk off there signings a players retained were no were near

The club only ever seem to want to engage with the fans when then get a benefit from it like they will announce signings on the run up to releasing the strips etc like the run up to the play off games the social media was top notch to get fans to games why so quite now when a lot off fans are still paying money out to the 200 club etc 

Yes fans don't need to no everything going on at the club but should at least have a bit more than what's happening at the minute 

And to set the record straight I'm not a haven fan I'm just a frustrated town fan 

Basics of good business is to 'strike while the Irons hot'. Why wouldnt they align signing announcements to their own benefit? Its unfair to compare our situation to other champ clubs. All have known for far longer where they will be playing, what budget they will have and also many have full time/part time staff, far outnumbering our volunteers.


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13 minutes ago, town2018 said:

There is a lot off negative comments because majority off the clubs have already announced the bulk off there signings a players retained were no were near

The club only ever seem to want to engage with the fans when then get a benefit from it like they will announce signings on the run up to releasing the strips etc like the run up to the play off games the social media was top notch to get fans to games why so quite now when a lot off fans are still paying money out to the 200 club etc 

Yes fans don't need to no everything going on at the club but should at least have a bit more than what's happening at the minute 

And to set the record straight I'm not a haven fan I'm just a frustrated town fan 

The majority of clubs knew where they were going to be playing in 2022 and with what budget long before we did. That would give them a distinct advantage in squad retention and additions. 

I don’t think the club got a great deal of benefit, other than goodwill, when they provided webcasts throughout 2020. I don’t think any sporting club would profess to be perfect with liaising with fans but we are certainly a lot better than we used to be. I’m still paying money out to the 200 club and 1945 club because I want to try and support the club become as successful as it can be, not because I want every last bit of information. When there is information and news to release we get told. 

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I just paid for my season ticket . It’s  no secret it’s gonna be extremely tough , but I’m really looking forward to this season just to see the big step up in quality , the players we’ll see and how our guys handle it . This is where you wanna be , I just hope we can get enough strength and depth together to stay there .  Crowds were really encouraging this year so hopefully we build on that and get good numbers down to see the ride !

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27 minutes ago, DavidM said:

I just paid for my season ticket . It’s  no secret it’s gonna be extremely tough , but I’m really looking forward to this season just to see the big step up in quality , the players we’ll see and how our guys handle it . This is where you wanna be , I just hope we can get enough strength and depth together to stay there .  Crowds were really encouraging this year so hopefully we build on that and get good numbers down to see the ride !

Well said pal ,  that's what the championship is all about , enjoyment , commitment and courage , good luck town have a great year.

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52 minutes ago, IanMac said:

The majority of clubs knew where they were going to be playing in 2022 and with what budget long before we did. That would give them a distinct advantage in squad retention and additions. 

I don’t think the club got a great deal of benefit, other than goodwill, when they provided webcasts throughout 2020. I don’t think any sporting club would profess to be perfect with liaising with fans but we are certainly a lot better than we used to be. I’m still paying money out to the 200 club and 1945 club because I want to try and support the club become as successful as it can be, not because I want every last bit of information. When there is information and news to release we get told. 

With all due respect Ian nobody knew or still knows what the budget is. Unless I’ve missed it I still haven’t seen any announcement about how much the Sky money has been cut. Stand to be corrected if it has been announced.

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16 minutes ago, Marrafan said:

With all due respect Ian nobody knew or still knows what the budget is. Unless I’ve missed it I still haven’t seen any announcement about how much the Sky money has been cut. Stand to be corrected if it has been announced.

Well that’s really good of the rfl then! Must make it extremely difficult to plan. 

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What if we have some season long loans from SL clubs agreed in principle, but as they aren't our players we can't announce it and they aren't training up here yet, or we are bringing in somebody from abroad and are waiting for paperwork? I don't know this to be true but things may not be as straightforward as some want. 

I would be surprised if Chris doesn't have his ducks lining up as he wants them. I seem to remember back to some people panicking last year. But who knows...

The race is not always to the swift nor the battle to the strong, but thats the way to bet!

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2 hours ago, Sticklebricks said:

Think it’s gonna be a expensive Christmas marra, I liked oneils gear but some ellgreens gear is mint, I want everything 💙🤍💙🤍

I agree, thought O'Neils gear was smart but I'm really liking the look of this gear, well done Town and welcome aboard Ellgren, I hope Santa has a big sack for me this year 🤞 🎅 💙🤍

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11 hours ago, Town blue white said:

We all want what's best for the club and a  sure there is lots of things happening behind-the-scenes . but I can feel the frustration from lots of fans with information been limited.  Maybe a Facebook live chat on how we are doing for the championship ahead etc?.

If things are happening behind the scenes then that's where they need to stay until the club can confirm them. 

What exactly is it that you are wanting to know? 

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19 hours ago, Sticklebricks said:

Think it’s gonna be a expensive Christmas marra, I liked oneils gear but some ellgreens gear is mint, I want everything 💙🤍💙🤍

Looks like they have just copied Oneills gear, but nice

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9 hours ago, Town Army said:

If things are happening behind the scenes then that's where they need to stay until the club can confirm them. 

What exactly is it that you are wanting to know? 

Or nothing . Xmas round the corner for merchandise.  Season tickets. And the championship season. If your happy for the wall of silence in am sorry for the post....


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