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This just doesn't look like it's working for the sport. Obviously the more important number is the combined Sky, BBC and SL+ number for the games, but 55k is just not great. 

For years I've been shot down by some people for suggesting that we need to be getting coverage on the main channels and I've been told that main channels don't make a difference and if people want to watch, they will. The evidence has always been that this is not the case, and figures like this just aren't good enough. 

The BBC coverage being tucked away, or being substandard just isn't really doing anything.

Hopefully this year is a test bed, but maybe we need to follow the numbers and stop talking about how youth watch TV and getting next to no viewers. 


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Mind you we didn't realise it was on until well into the 2nd half when the missus noted a snippet on X/twitter about the game.

Surely we were not the only one's and surely a key is the RL and clubs making us more aware... 

Never-the-less you are probably right in what you write.

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Just now, redjonn said:

Mind you we didn't realise it was on until well into the 2nd half when the missus noted a snippet on X/twitter about the game.

Surely we were not the only one's and surely a key is the RL and clubs making us more aware... 

Never-the-less you are probably right in what you write.

I think BBC are doing a terrible job tbh. As you say, most have no idea the games are on. They are doing the bare minimum. 

I think Sky knew what they were doing, they have absolutely positioned them selves as the place to be for SL, and most fans probably don't even think of checking other places. 

And the BBC do zero to try and pull in other viewers. 

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I think using the likes of BBC3 is the issue. The BBC channels outside of BBC1 and BBC2 just aren't on the radar for most people. I am probably more aware than many RL fans of what is going on, due to this forum largely, and I usually forget all about these games.

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I watch BBC regularly and would have had no idea this game was being broadcast if I weren't following these forums and other non-BBC media.

Is it just me who gets the feeling that some people within the corporation don't really like RU?

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Sport, amongst other things, is a dream-world offering escape from harsh reality and the disturbing prospect of change.

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didnt even know BBC 3 was showing either of the matches you mention.. 

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Some people would have automatically used the SL+ app to watch it. I've certainly got used to that being the first option since this season started.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
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The BBC coverage, at least the lack of advertisement of it, has been very disappointing. 

Its certainly been easier and more visible on Sky. I wonder how this will change when Sky Sports Plus comes in.

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Put me in the "didn't know this games was on the BBC" camp. From memory, I've known abut one game being broadcast in advance. I'm not really sure why the BBC went to the effort of bidding for these games if this is all they plan on doing with them.

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"Just as we had been Cathars, we were treizistes, men apart."

Jean Roque, Calendrier-revue du Racing-Club Albigeois, 1958-1959

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35 minutes ago, Damien said:

I think using the likes of BBC3 is the issue. The BBC channels outside of BBC1 and BBC2 just aren't on the radar for most people. I am probably more aware than many RL fans of what is going on, due to this forum largely, and I usually forget all about these games.

About 5 minutes before the game kicked off, I came on here and spotted that it was listed as being on BBC. I tried to find it, I looked on bbc1, bbc2, the bbc website and iplayer. In the end I gave up and just watched it on sky. Never even occurred to me to try bbc3.

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The increasing disdain BBC are showing RL is concerning. First the Challenge Cup coverage and now this.

BBC3 is a backwater channel; if RL Commercial were aware that SL games would be broadcast on there, as part of the deal, I'm sure they would have reconsidered awarding it to them vs C4. Either way, they should have stipulated that games were only shown on BBC1 or 2 as a condition of award

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I think the issue with the BBC is the lack of cross-promotion. The *only* reason to be on the BBC is to reach audiences who wouldn't otherwise be actively looking for rugby league. We should have insisted on a certain framework of cross-promotion of the matches in exchange for selecting them as a broadcast partner, and if we didn't then we've been a bit negligent I think.

Channel 4, whilst notionally having a smaller reach, clearly worked much, much harder to let their general audiences know that they broadcast rugby league and when matches were. They even created custom trailers advertising the respective stories of the two participants. Their approach was night & day to the BBC's approach.

Think we've dropped the ball here in allowing the Beeb to get away with cursory efforts.    

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3 minutes ago, DoubleD said:

The increasing disdain BBC are showing RL is concerning. First the Challenge Cup coverage and now this.

BBC3 is a backwater channel; if RL Commercial were aware that SL games would be broadcast on there, as part of the deal, I'm sure they would have reconsidered awarding it to them vs C4. Either way, they should have stipulated that games were only shown on BBC1 or 2 as a condition of award

It is a shame - because for all this fanfare of the new deal, the BBC coverage actually does appear to have gone backwards. We will probably only have a couple of cup games on BBC One, a couple more on Two and a few SL games on Two, Three and RB. 

Overall, that isn't progress on last year.

It's a shame, because I think the full coverage on Sky has been excellent.

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2 minutes ago, Worzel said:

I think the issue with the BBC is the lack of cross-promotion. The *only* reason to be on the BBC is to reach audiences who wouldn't otherwise be actively looking for rugby league. We should have insisted on a certain framework of cross-promotion of the matches in exchange for selecting them as a broadcast partner, and if we didn't then we've been a bit negligent I think.

Channel 4, whilst notionally having a smaller reach, clearly worked much, much harder to let their general audiences know that they broadcast rugby league and when matches were. They even created custom trailers advertising the respective stories of the two participants. Their approach was night & day to the BBC's approach.

Think we've dropped the ball here in allowing the Beeb to get away with cursory efforts.    

I think that's spot on. Existing RL tv fans can get their fix as they always have. This really needed to be tapping into new audiences (or even those 'extra' fans that watch cup games and don't have Sky).

As you say, the effort is lacking.

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Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, Tommygilf said:

Is BBC3 back on terrestrial now?

Yes. There wasn't a huge fanfare when BBC3 became a broadcast channel again after a few years as a streaming-only service. This is another part of the current problem.

Four matches on the BBC this coming weekend; women's CC ties on Red Button, men's CC ties on BBC2.

Edited by Futtocks
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Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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BBC doing barebones coverage, much as I expected.

I much preferred the enthusiasm and vibrancy that C4 brought.

It just felt more cheery, hopeful, and outgoing in tone and presentation. I hope the money makes up for the Beeb dreariness. I haven't watched one game on there, when Sky also have them.

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37 minutes ago, Tommygilf said:

Is BBC3 back on terrestrial now?

Yes. Has been for 2-3 years I think.

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Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. (Terry Pratchett)

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Another key problem is that, after a couple of years of getting progressively worse, the BBC Live Guide page now has simply shut down.

They did have a main screen link to live coverage of both BBC 3 games though.

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. (Terry Pratchett)

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I’d also add, I don’t think this is now simply an RL issue but, rather, the BBC must have made cuts to sport coverage and promotion generally because, away from their establishment events, basically everything is now hidden away.

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Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. (Terry Pratchett)

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29 minutes ago, DoubleD said:

The increasing disdain BBC are showing RL is concerning. First the Challenge Cup coverage and now this.

BBC3 is a backwater channel; if RL Commercial were aware that SL games would be broadcast on there, as part of the deal, I'm sure they would have reconsidered awarding it to them vs C4. Either way, they should have stipulated that games were only shown on BBC1 or 2 as a condition of award

If RL Commercial didn't know the details then they weren't doing their job and if they did know and went with it anyway then they were doing a bad job IMO.

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12 minutes ago, StandOffHalf said:

BBC doing barebones coverage, much as I expected.

I much preferred the enthusiasm and vibrancy that C4 brought.

It just felt more cheery, hopeful, and outgoing in tone and presentation. I hope the money makes up for the Beeb dreariness. I haven't watched one game on there, when Sky also have them.

That's a great point. The coverage is so pefunctionary, and without any real enthusiasm coming across.

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I have said this before. A lack of consistency (every Saturday night for example) simply means there is no real opportunity to gain momentum and a following.

Neither an opportunity to consistently market and advertise the matches. That’s down to the BBC though.

SL needs consistent fixture programming to make any impact on the general audience. Especially if placed on BBC3 or lesser. 

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2 hours ago, Dave T said:

This just doesn't look like it's working for the sport. Obviously the more important number is the combined Sky, BBC and SL+ number for the games, but 55k is just not great. 

For years I've been shot down by some people for suggesting that we need to be getting coverage on the main channels and I've been told that main channels don't make a difference and if people want to watch, they will. The evidence has always been that this is not the case, and figures like this just aren't good enough. 

The BBC coverage being tucked away, or being substandard just isn't really doing anything.

Hopefully this year is a test bed, but maybe we need to follow the numbers and stop talking about how youth watch TV and getting next to no viewers. 


Not sure BBC3 is the right channel. Never going to get big numbers on such a poorly viewed niche channel. Needs to be on BBC2 at a minimum.

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