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On 21/01/2022 at 08:47, tim2 said:

I hope he can see Paradise by the Dashboard Light and not a Bat out of Hell.


May be a cartoon of ‎text that says "‎f LD טותי Η I doelemon1.21.22 WELCOME ΤΟ PARADISE, Mr. LOAF,‎"‎

                                                                  :kolobok_sad:   Hull FC....The Sons of God....  :kolobok_sad:
                                                                     (Well, we are about to be crucified on Good Friday)
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16 minutes ago, Futtocks said:

Barry Cryer. Very sad news.

Proper unsung comedy legend. His contribution to Eric and Ernie alone would put him at the top of the comedy writing tree.

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"I am the avenging angel; I come with wings unfurled, I come with claws extended from halfway round the world. I am the God Almighty, I am the howling wind. I care not for your family; I care not for your kin. I come in search of terror, though terror is my own; I come in search of vengeance for crimes and crimes unknown. I care not for your children, I care not for your wives, I care not for your country, I care not for your lives." - (c) Jim Boyes - "The Avenging Angel"

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29 minutes ago, Mumby Magic said:

Should have been knighted along time ago.

Maybe he didn't want it.


Edit: He got an OBE, so you're right, he should have been.

Edited by tim2

"I am the avenging angel; I come with wings unfurled, I come with claws extended from halfway round the world. I am the God Almighty, I am the howling wind. I care not for your family; I care not for your kin. I come in search of terror, though terror is my own; I come in search of vengeance for crimes and crimes unknown. I care not for your children, I care not for your wives, I care not for your country, I care not for your lives." - (c) Jim Boyes - "The Avenging Angel"

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He only recently started doing a podcast (less than a month ago), and sounded on top form from the ones I've listened to so far.


Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Barry Cryer was a very funny guy and a fantastic comedy writer. I remember listening to him read his autobiography and it was really funny. "I left the stage to the sound of my own feet" is his verdict on his early comedy routines in Soho. 

He also used to go to Odsal stadium when younger....to watch the speedway though, not RL. 

RIP indeed. 

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6 hours ago, Futtocks said:

Barry Cryer. Very sad news.

That is very sad news.

Just this last week I've been re-watching the Comedy Legends TV series he did for Sky (I think). Well worth a look if you can.

"I'm from a fishing family. Trawlermen are like pirates with biscuits." - Lucy Beaumont.

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Richard Herring has made his RHLSTP interview with Barry free to watch on YouTube. Worth an hour of anyone's time.


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Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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The loss of Barry Cryer will be felt by many comedians who will now have to think up their own great one liners.

Comedy genius, R.I.P


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Visit my photography site www.padge.smugmug.com

Radio 5 Live: Saturday 14 April 2007

Dave Whelan "In Wigan rugby will always be king"


This country's wealth was created by men in overalls, it was destroyed by men in suits.

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As an aside the BBC news presenter reading tweets today kept saying when she came across R.I.P Barry as 'rip Barry', his last comic moment a BBC news reader ballsing up his demise.

  • Haha 1

Visit my photography site www.padge.smugmug.com

Radio 5 Live: Saturday 14 April 2007

Dave Whelan "In Wigan rugby will always be king"


This country's wealth was created by men in overalls, it was destroyed by men in suits.

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My mate used to live near Barry Cryer in north London suburbs and says at one point he had an official looking sign in his garden saying "Last comedian before M1" RIP Mr Cryer, you made me laugh.

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Jam Eater  1.(noun. jam eeter) A Resident of Whitehaven or Workington. Offensive.  It is now a term of abuse that both towns of West Cumbria use for each other especially at Workington/Whitehaven rugby league derby matches.

St Albans Centurions Website 

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Des Drummond 63.

Awful news.

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                                                                  :kolobok_sad:   Hull FC....The Sons of God....  :kolobok_sad:
                                                                     (Well, we are about to be crucified on Good Friday)
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Losing Des Drummond and Barry Cryer in the same week is particularly rough for people of a certain age. Two guys who we thought would go on forever.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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In the early 80s the left winger at Swinton was Alva Drummond, brother of Des. Nothing like as strong or defensively sound, but lightning quick. If he got in the clear, say from an interception, we didn`t have to wait to start celebrating.

During a trip to Jamaica, he was hit and killed by a piece of flying debris from a roof in stormy weather. 

I`ve looked around the Net for confirmation of the above details, but can`t find anything. The story was in our local paper, possibly mid-to-late 90s. Needless to say, pretty depressing. If I`m right about the date, he would only have been in his 30s.

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1 hour ago, JohnM said:

I'd heard rumours, but this is the first confirmation. A great member of the ISIRTA gang.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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