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Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

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  • 2 months later...

Actual snow in London! Not much as yet, but yer genuine article nonetheless.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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4 minutes ago, Futtocks said:

Actual snow in London! Not much as yet, but yer genuine article nonetheless.

It's arrived late; wasn't it due at 5pm?

People were getting quite excited at the prospect when I left the office in Wimbledon at 4 to head back up north. Currently just out of Crewe where there are a few whisps blowing in the wind.

"it is a well known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it."

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10 minutes ago, Griff9of13 said:

It's arrived late; wasn't it due at 5pm?

People were getting quite excited at the prospect when I left the office in Wimbledon at 4 to head back up north. Currently just out of Crewe where there are a few whisps blowing in the wind.

I'm not sure when it started - I went outdoors at about 6:30pm and it was gusting wet flakes about.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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2 hours ago, Futtocks said:

Actual snow in London! Not much as yet, but yer genuine article nonetheless.

Hot news slightly further north here in Aylesbury; motorists have been abandoning vehicles on the side of the road... not many but seen a few.

(They must be a bunch of soft sods... seen cyclists on the roads - conditions are fine!)

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2 hours ago, JohnM said:

The Army has arrived in Mablethorpe to advise those living next to the sea wall.

Must be quite a North Sea storm surge expected. I noticed the River Hull tidal barrier being lowered while I was gazing out of the office window this afternoon.

"I'm from a fishing family. Trawlermen are like pirates with biscuits." - Lucy Beaumont.

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Not sure what this "snow" stuff is that you're all on about but there's lots of snerr in Hull this morning.

                                                                  :kolobok_sad:   Hull FC....The Sons of God....  :kolobok_sad:
                                                                     (Well, we are about to be crucified on Good Friday)
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10 hours ago, GeordieSaint said:

Hot news slightly further north here in Aylesbury; motorists have been abandoning vehicles on the side of the road... not many but seen a few.

(They must be a bunch of soft sods... seen cyclists on the roads - conditions are fine!)

The problem there used to be in the Chilterns when we lived there (presume still the case) is the councils being very slow to grit so the hills become undriveable for smaller cars.  These then get abandoned/parked which means less chance for the cars that can make it.  Not such an issue in Aylesbury but was always a problem in Wycombe, Chesham, Amersham etc.

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. (Terry Pratchett)

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1 hour ago, gingerjon said:

The problem there used to be in the Chilterns when we lived there (presume still the case) is the councils being very slow to grit so the hills become undriveable for smaller cars.  These then get abandoned/parked which means less chance for the cars that can make it.  Not such an issue in Aylesbury but was always a problem in Wycombe, Chesham, Amersham etc.

To be fair, I was driving down from Whipsnade Zoo but there was no snow actually on the road hence my bewilderment in people pulling off the road and abandoning the cars. 

I am also amazed at the complete lack of self help grit boxes around this area; I haven't seen one on the civi road system. 

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It was snowing down here yesterday evening, not much, barely enough to stick, and I was harassing my 8 year old to hurry up and feed the Rabbits that we have in the garden in the back, I went out to check on them just as the snow was getting bad, and I found one of them missing, she forgot to lock the cage door properly.

Gone. Plus we have a fox in the area.

She could have only gone into one garden next door, and there is no sign of her.

Friday the 13th I F***ing hate you

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23 minutes ago, Shadow said:

Lucky I've got 4 Wheel Drive


I hope you've got an emergency survival kit with you if you're taking your life in your hands driving in snow that deep.

"When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt; run in little circles, wave your arms and shout"

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10 hours ago, GeordieSaint said:


I am also amazed at the complete lack of self help grit boxes around this area;. 

Don't know about Beds/Herts but in Bucks they were usually empty.  Or some dull ****er nicked the grit on the first frost for their drive so there was none left when the real weather came.

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. (Terry Pratchett)

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Spare a thought for us Sydneysiders who just suffered through Sydney's hottest night on record - although records only go back to 1858 so there may have been worse.

Last night, the temperature in the city got to its lowest point at a sweaty 26.4 degrees Celsius at about 11:00pm, the Bureau of Meteorology [BOM] said.

Then it just got hotter, climbing to 31C by 1:00am.


At midnight, it was still around 36C in Penrith, and it took until 4:00am for the gauge to get below 30C.

They also recorded their highest minimum temperature of 28.6C in Penrith


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They don't appear to have much respect for snow ploughs in Utah....


                                                                  :kolobok_sad:   Hull FC....The Sons of God....  :kolobok_sad:
                                                                     (Well, we are about to be crucified on Good Friday)
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  • 10 months later...

You have no idea how much it snows where I live...I live in an area technically known as as a 'snow belt'....one time it snowed heavily, lightly for40 days/nights.   usually have to shovel off the roof 4 times in the winter so it don't collapse...no kiddin!

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8 hours ago, Kayakman said:

You have no idea how much it snows where I live...I live in an area technically known as as a 'snow belt'....one time it snowed heavily, lightly for40 days/nights.   usually have to shovel off the roof 4 times in the winter so it don't collapse...no kiddin!

I once met some people from Canada who went to Minnesota for the winter to escape the intense cold (-30C) and snow (1.5-2m)

Minnesota is not known for its mild winters!

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"I am the avenging angel; I come with wings unfurled, I come with claws extended from halfway round the world. I am the God Almighty, I am the howling wind. I care not for your family; I care not for your kin. I come in search of terror, though terror is my own; I come in search of vengeance for crimes and crimes unknown. I care not for your children, I care not for your wives, I care not for your country, I care not for your lives." - (c) Jim Boyes - "The Avenging Angel"

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9 hours ago, Kayakman said:

You have no idea how much it snows where I live...I live in an area technically known as as a 'snow belt'....one time it snowed heavily, lightly for40 days/nights.   usually have to shovel off the roof 4 times in the winter so it don't collapse...no kiddin!

Whining Canucks.:tongue:

You do realise we have to carry a brolly for almost the entire year.

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Learn to listen without distortion and learn to look without imagination.

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